Sierra Wave Media

Eastern Sierra News for February 10, 2025





Class of 2020 they shut down the world just for usWith graduations, prom nights and senior activities all canceled because of the coronavirus pandemic, someone in Inyo County figured out a way to make lemonade out of lemons, with  Adopt a High School Senior –an Inyo County Facebook group,  based on a national movement. Click on and vVisit the website to see photos of the Seniors and the gifts.

Kimberley McCormick started it and told Sierra Wave that she was invited to join an Adopt a High School Senior by a friend in Southern California and thought, “Wow, this would be a great thing to do here!” She, like most of us that live here, realize what great kids we have and that the High School Classes of 2020 could use a “little love” considering how the Covid-19 pandemic has turned their word upside down. The program is for all high school students in the Owens Valley.

When you hear the enthusiasm in McCormick’s voice when she talks about the program, it is no small mystery why, of all people, she would be the one to kick it off. It is what it must be like to have the Energizer Bunny show up and take charge…the rest of us are just trying to catch up with her.

2020 Big Pine High School Group PhotoThe Adopt a High School Senior Facebook Group has 642 members…and growing. Can it be emphasized enough that this program is for all high school graduating seniors at all the Inyo County schools?!! That includes Bishop, Big Pine, Independence, Lone Pine, Palisades and Death Valley…why not?!

Some 50-plus high school senior students have already received gift baskets full of flowers, congratulation cards, gift certificates and one photo showed a high school senior holding a basket of his favorite snacks.

So, how does this thing work? As explained by McCormick, a parent or guardian of a local high school senior is invited to post 93971818 10219385711106894 1281331998735990784 na picture and brief bio of their graduate in the Facebook group. They are provided with a brief questionnaire for the student to fill out asking what types of things they enjoy or that they are interested in. Based on that, they can be adopted by people in the community who can send them gifts, cards, and support.

94262379 10219385982673683 7410458910919753728 nNot everyone has a Facebook account, but interested parents, guardians and people that want to “adopt” by calling McCormick at (760) 258-7694 and make arrangement to coordinate an email exchange.

How excited is Kimberly McCormick about the Adopt a High School Senior? Well, she is already talking about seeing if maybe she can expand it to Mono County high school seniors! This woman has a lot of energy…and her enthusiasm and love of children have made a difference in our communities’ high school seniors. This is a very nice woman.

[The Sierra Wave strongly endorses this program and supports and congratulates all of our high school seniors throughout the Eastern Sierra. Aside from showing our high school seniors that we care about them and value their lives and their futures, how anyone chooses to support others during the coronavirus pandemic should be left up to each individual.

Under normal circumstances, Sierra Wave would be covering the high school graduation ceremonies which brings the graduating seniors together with their classmates, friends, families and those that love them. This year’s Class of 2020 will not have that experience, one that most adults and parents have experienced, remember with fond memories, and cherish all that is shared on that special day. High school graduation is an important milestone in our lives and marks a passage to adulthood.Let’s support  this program and lets support our children.]

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