California Fish and Game Commission to Hold Emergency Meeting |
The California Fish and Game Commission will remotely meet to discuss delegating temporary authority to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) to delay, suspend or restrict sport or recreational fishing if the director of CDFW, in consultation with the president of the Commission, finds that such action is necessary to protect against the threat from COVID-19 based on state, federal, local, and tribal public health guidance and public safety needs.
When: Thursday, April 9, 2020 at 8:30 a.m.
Where: Via teleconference and webinar
Members of the public will have the opportunity to comment on the proposed emergency regulation by calling (877) 402-9753 or (636) 651-3141; access code 832 4310. Webinar details are on the agenda.
More: The meeting agenda and documents are available on the Commission’s website at
Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the Commission will discuss whether or not to temporarily grant authority to CDFW to decide whether to delay, restrict, or suspend sport or recreational fishing in order to prevent and mitigate public health risks that may arise when people travel for fishing trips or congregate while participating in available fishing opportunities. CDFW and the Commission have received requests from county representatives and local health authorities requesting delays to recreational fish openers such as the Eastern Sierra trout
opener scheduled for April 25, 2020.
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It’s called a stay at home order for a reason.
Please stay at home, you can visit the backcountry lakes in a few months, they’re not going anywhere.
When talking about these large celebration/events in Inyo and Mono counties it is important to understand the both these counties are considered to be Frontier counties. Check it out on Google, one problem is the distance and time it takes to get to shopping and most importantly medical care. The other thought to consider is the limited amount of services available, medical, groceries, retail stores, and availability of housing. These services are set up to handle the population that lives here. When there is a large influx of people arriving for these events, this puts a huge strain on what services are available.
I only go to the back country lakes where there is no crowd but a few people on the shore of big lakes. Sometimes no one but ourselves and we learned the social distance thing.
We do not stock up our foods up there but rather bring everything from home. So we will head direct to the back country lakes without coming close to other visiting or local people.
Is that a bad idea?
I think if we can keep safe the area we go and keep it safe to ourselves, there is no need of banning fishing or postponing it.
Please let me know what you think.
In a perfect world you would have a valid point but you may have noticed that’s not the world we live in. A simple question for you, when you get up here and discover that all of the backcountry lakes are frozen and the trailheads are inaccessible will you simply turn around and go home or will you stay. All lodging and campgrounds are closed so you’ll have to camp wherever you find an open spot, you and 20,000 of your new friends. Don’t forget to bring enough gas to get you here and back and hopefully you won’t forget anything because most of the stores are closed and the ones that are open will be extremely crowded.
if we had a Walmart or big Supermarket up here,it still wouldn’t be a good idea for 25,000 people coming up to our area to go shopping there.
You know and I know,if you’ve been fishing the opener for 30 years,many visitors come in large crowds,and even if your exercising “social distancing” while fishing,if and when you or someone else land a few or a big size Trout,how many seconds before your “spot” turns into a “black Friday”-like crowd gathering where your fishing ?
Besides,all the campgrounds are closed,BLM has their land closed,LADWP,USFS,same thing.Motels are closed,cabins at the resorts and lakes….closed.
Where will all these people and their motorhomes going to park and stay ?…in town along the neighborhood streets ?
I’m a fisherman too….but I think we’re all gonna be waiting this year,the locals and visitors.
You are more likely to catch or transmit COVID-19 going into a Walmart or Supermarket than fishing outdoors and the odds are not even close. I have been fishing the opener for over 30 years and can’t remember the last time I was standing anywhere close to 6 feet next to someone while fishing. The crowds will be down and the DFG would be better served by issuing social distancing instructions, having people buy their tackle, equipment, and groceries online ahead of time.
and where will the out – of – towners stay?
Both Mono and Inyo Counties have made it clear they do not want people here from out of the area. The problem is that this area created FIshmas…,fishmas cannot happen. How do you separate the two at this point in time?
Easy to separate at this time.
postpone it.
If it were actually CHRISTMAS TIME now,that would change too,with travel restrictions,closed restaurants,closed motels,short term rentals and no Church services and gathering places..
Fishmas OR Christmas…just so happens the COVID-10 happened now,not December.
Their remote meeting software couldn’t handle the volume of calls. Meeting to be rescheduled next week:
Act quick? In my coverage of the region, those in opposition of postponing the opener are in the overwhelming minority.
Mike, I agree.
Because of the late posting of the meeting, the “Act quick” was about the short notice if someone wants to watch or participate in the meeting, and not about whether someone is either “for” or “against” the proposal to postpone the Trout Opener date. I agree, there appears to be overwhelming support to postpone it here in the Eastern Sierra. There is just too much uncertainty over how much longer the COVID-19 situation will last and when it will be safe to have visitors return to the area. Public health and safety is paramount.