Press release

Cheddar’s caves, its people, and its cheese, a ramble through time, limestone, and milkis Duncan King’s program title for the Monday, November 7 meeting of the Mono Basin Historical Society. A potluck dinner and business meeting begins at 6 PM at the Lee Vining Community Center, with the program beginning at 7:30 PM.


The village of Cheddar nestles at the foot of the Mendip Hills in the County of Somerset in south-west England, where Mono City resident Duncan King grew up.  There, Cheddar Gorge cuts down through these limestone hills and is honeycombed with caverns which were home to stone age people for thousands of years.

This talk by a native of Cheddar (and yes, ancestors did invent the cheddaring cheese process) will cover the finer points of stone age cuisine, what DNA analysis has recently shown us about the oldest complete skeleton yet found in Britain, and how the caves and the cheese come together in the present day.

All our welcome.

Information about the Mono Basin Historical Society is online  Call 760 647-6461 or email[email protected]          .

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