Sierra Wave Media

Eastern Sierra News for February 11, 2025





The April 1st snowpack at Mammoth Pass was 93% of normal this year. Following four years of drought conditions, the melting snowpack is providing some much-needed surface water. However, Mammoth Community Water District (MCWD) customers are still under Level 3 restrictions.


As surface water supplies dwindled, MCWD relied heavily on groundwater pumping. Late last year, MCWD’s groundwater wells were at historically low levels. To ensure future reliability of groundwater supplies, Level 3 Restrictions are still in effect to minimize the demand on groundwater and allow water table recovery.

All customers are requested to continue their successful conservation efforts, reducing consumption by 30% compared to 2013.

Level 3 irrigation restrictions have been amended to increase the hours of watering from three to eight hours, two days a week. These changes were adopted on May 19th by MCWD’s Board of Directors.

The permitted hours of irrigation are between 1 am and 6 am and between 8 pm and 11 pm. Even addresses may water on Wednesday and Saturday and odd addresses on Thursday and Sunday. Hand watering is permitted on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday at all addresses excluding the hours between 10 am-4 pm.

All hoses must be equipped with automatic shut-off devices and vehicle washing is allowed. By keeping water demand low under Level 3 Water Restrictions, MCWD can meet the majority of demand with surface water, providing the opportunity for groundwater wells to rest and recharge.

In addition, MCWD’s conservation efforts are in line with the Governor’s Water Conservation Executive Order issued on May 9, 2016.

The Executive Order requires the development of regulations by the State Water Resources Control Board to increase the efficient use of water and to prepare for dry periods in California.

MCWD will continue to work with customers to maintain their landscapes during Level 3 Water Restrictions.

Please contact MCWD with any concerns or visit for more information regarding water use and conservation programs.


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