– Press release

Bishop – Last week, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) held a public meeting at the Calvary Baptist Church to provide information and solicit input regarding three projects that will develop and enhance the State Route (SR) 168 (West Line Street) corridor.  Tom Hallenbeck, Caltrans District 9 Director, welcomed attendees and provided an overview of each project.


The first project discussed was the sidewalk project that will construct continuous sidewalk on the north side of SR 168 between the Bishop Care Center and Barlow Lane.  A few different sidewalk design options were presented and attendees were asked to share their preference.

The second project will install a traffic signal at the south end of See Vee Lane at the intersection with SR 168.  This project is separate from but tied to a signal installation project planned at the north end of See Vee Lane at the intersection with US 395.


The third project is a safety improvement project which is considering ways to reduce left turn and merge related collisions along the SR 168 corridor from Pioneer Lane to the Manor Market area.  Five alternatives were presented and attendees were solicited for feedback and asked to share their opinions and preferences.  Attendees had the opportunity to ask questions of Caltrans staff and fill out comment cards.


The three projects were well-received and valuable insight into public sentiment was gained.  Comments regarding the signal and safety improvement projects are still welcome; however, the sidewalk project is quickly moving toward final design and will be constructed in 2015.

Please contact Florene Trainor, Caltrans District 9 Public Information Officer at (760) 872-0603 or [email protected] if you would like to submit comments or would like to receive further information regarding any of these three projects.


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