inyo_courthouse1.jpegNEWS RELEASE

Inyo County to Hold Community Meetings for the 2013 

General Plan Update 

Inyo County will be holding community meetings to gather public input on proposed updates to the General Plan and Zoning Code, and is inviting the public to help shape the future of Inyo County communities by providing feedback and ideas. 

The General Plan is a comprehensive, long-term policy document that broadly encompasses a community’s values, goals, policies and visions for the future.  The General Plan will address topics such as land use, circulation, open space, public services and utilities, housing, and economic development, among other topics.

Proposed updates to the General Plan and Zoning Code include strategies to promote healthier communities, policies addressing Digital 395, strengthened code enforcement, development of community character overlays, and new special event permits, among others. In addition, the updated General Plan will address new State mandates and current topics, including greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.

The public workshops will provide residents with the opportunity to help shape the General Plan’s goals and policies, and guide the future development of Inyo County communities. Workshops will include presentations, small group discussions, and interactive exercises to help residents plan for the future of Inyo County.

Public input and involvement are essential to creating a plan that best represents the values and visions of the community. All residents, property owners, business owners, community leaders and other interested persons are encouraged to participate in these interactive community meetings.

The meetings will be held:

Bishop: Wednesday,  September 11th at 6:00 pm at the NIH Boardroom, 2957 Birch St, Bishop, CA 39514 

Lone Pine: Thursday, September 12th at 6:00 pm at Statham Hall, 138 Jackson St, Lone Pine, CA 93545

Independence: Wednesday, September 18th at 6:00 pm at the American Legion Hall, Independence, CA 93526

Big Pine: Thursday, September 19th at 6:00 pm at Big Pine Town Hall, 180 Dewey St, Big Pine, CA 

Tecopa: Thursday, October 3rd at 6:00 pm at the Tecopa Community Center, Tecopa, CA 92389

Draft documents are available for review at the Inyo County Planning Department website at  HYPERLINK “”  and at all County libraries.

To find out more information or provide comment on the draft documents, please call the Inyo County Planning Department at (760) 878-0263 or send us an email at  HYPERLINK “mailto:[email protected][email protected].






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