PRESS RELEASE November 30. 2012
The Mammoth Lakes Police Officer’s Association (MLPOA) would like to announce the resignations and retirements of five officers that will take place before the end of December 2012.
Largely due to the decision of the Town of Mammoth Lakes Town Council as it relates to the upcoming elimination of seven sworn officer positions, many officers began looking for employment with other law enforcement agencies.
Officers were awaiting the results of the Town sponsored public survey that was conducted in which the Town Council stated that they wanted input from the public before making final decisions as to police lay-offs, raising taxes, etc. so that they could do what the community was in favor of. Despite at least 65% of the public not being in favor of cutting police services, the Town Council voted 5-0 to move forward with the proposed eliminations in July 2013. They initially proposed the lay-offs to happen in December 2012, but were reminded that it would be a violation of the MOU between the MLPOA and the Town.
The MLPOA members are dedicated, and have a personal interest in the town, its residents, and visitors. However, our officers cannot work in an environment where the safety of the officers, citizens, and visitors are not a priority to the Town Council.
During the month of December 2012, the Mammoth Lakes Police Department will be losing five great officers.
Officer Marty Thompson graduated from Mammoth High School in 1988 and joined the Mammoth Lakes Police Department in 2007. Marty will now be working for the Mono County Sheriff’s Department. Marty has been the Head Coach for the Mammoth Varsity Football Team for the past
3 years.
Officer Ron Gladding graduated from Mammoth High School in 1995. Ron started his law enforcement career with the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Department in 2005, and has worked for the Mammoth Lakes Police Department since 2006. Ron will now be working for the Bishop Police
Officer Jesse Gorham started his law enforcement career in 1989 with the San Diego Police Department and came to work for the Mammoth Lakes Police Department in 1997. Jesse will be retiring from MLPD and starting the next chapter in his life.
Sergeant Paul Robles started his law enforcement career in 1985 with the
San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department. He then went to work for the Bishop Police Department in 1989, and came to work for the Mammoth
Lakes Police Department in 2005.
Lieutenant John Mair started his Law Enforcement career in 1984with the Hawthorne Police Department before he went to work for the Huntington Beach Police Department. He has been with Mammoth Lakes Police Department since 1996 and has earned his way through the ranks to his current position.
These vacancies will bring the staffing level down to only 10 sworn officers available to work patrol during the peak season, with some of those officers likely to be retiring or resigning for other employment opportunities well before July 2013. It is unlikely that any qualified police officers would come to work for the Town of Mammoth Lakes under these working conditions, and the fear of lay-off.
With this limited number of patrol officers, it will not be possible to provide 24-hour police service. Police service and presence will be significantly reduced, and with the busy holiday season among us, the MLPOA reminds its residents and visitors to be aware of your surroundings and lock your vehicles.
The MLPOA would like to wish its residents and visitors a happy and safe holiday season.
Submitted by,
Sgt. Paul Robles
Out-going MLPOA President
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Anyone want to bet what the 2013 stats will look like with less than 10 officers working for the year?
I pointed out the false dichotomy that is presented here “you couldn’t be police, you couldn’t possibly understand the sacrifice” then in the next breath “don’t be mad cuz you aren’t smart like us.” You don’t get it both ways.
Police pensions are out of whack with the rest of our public pensions in CA. I did some back of the envelope math above here and I think it’s a pretty accurate description of reality. By all means challenge it. But don’t put your face on a news website followed by anonymous threats to the community you allegedly serve and have no facts. And then whine when people challenge your version of reality and your fear based tactics.
I don’t know what crime demographics look like in ML. I would however suggest that drug crimes are mostly victimless, some arrests are tools and some arrests its pretty obvious regarding the identity of the damn perpetrator. So, lets leave those arrests aside and have a discussion about how dangerous ML has become and what actual police work gets done.
I respect that police work needs to get done. I think we can quantify its value with facts. And evaluate it within the context of what other priorities we have for government.
Mammoth Police Chief Watson released these stats in February:
CRIME 2010 2011 % CHANGE (The first number below is 2010, second number 2011, % of change)
Murder 0 0 No change
Rape 8 5 -36%
Robbery 2 4 +100%
Assault 88 90 +2%
Burglary 68 67 -1%
Larceny 158 157 -1%
Motor Vehicle Theft 5 22 +340%
Total 329 345 +5%
TRAFFIC 2010 2011 % CHANGE
Injury Collisions 23 19 -17%
Hit and Run Collisions 51 50 -2%
Total 74 69 -7%
What crimes fall under larceny?
Taking and carrying away personal property.
Interesting facts Benett .. So it looks like personal harm is not an issue .. traffic related items are down. Robbery is the biggest ..and auto theft is way big. Looks like the cops were doing something worthwile, or that the community was blessed with a lot of up standing citizens who pretty much behaved themselves ..
hmmmm If they gut the PD will things change? We will see.
@ miscellaneous,
I not sure who you referring to with your quotation marks and the references to “you” and “your”….hopefully not me, because I have said nothing of the sort and I am not a member of the MLPD or an employee of the town.
I smell and agenda in your responses that goes far beyond the topics discussed in this article. Pensions are a huge challenge for public agencies and that is why the Governor and the State Legislature have jointly approved significant pension reforms of late. But public employee pensions and the safe policing of a community are not one and the same, they are two separate topics.
Regardless of your agenda, if you are so intent on attacking the employees of this town, at least have the decency and the huevos to use your real name.
And thanks out to Benett for providing the crime stats. They can help all of us to better understand this important issue.
@ Miscellaneous employee,
I never referred to cops as heroes and I don’t see them as such. I see them as people like you and me who just want to do their job and be left alone. I also happen to think their job is a very tough one, for many reasons.
And I will “put a sock in it” when people like yourself stop using internet forums to anonymously take cheap shots at those who have chosen a career in public service.
Yeah. I could have been a cop. I mean its not like its rocket surgery.
Police in CA haven’t achieved the extravagant pensions by being smart. Just being self interested and using the same fear tactics in negotiations we see with this press release. And yeah, sergeants are pulling down six figures and that’s before the overtime.
So tell me this, since no one has volunteered the mlpd pay structure, what crimes get solved in ml? I mean besides traffic, drugs and domestic violence what criminals get arrested there? Since we are talking facts, please tell me how many car thieves and home burglars and rapists were convicted last year?
It’s either rocket science or brain surgery. Rocket surgery sounds like either mechanical repairs or the pastime of a daredevil surgeon.
Sounds like you should have been a cop Sean. Everyone seems to think it is so easy to be one, piece of cake eh? It takes more than you think to be a good cop or even an average cop or bad cop. But just the same .. it takes more than you think, you should have been one so then you can tell us how it really is instead of whining about it.
Good cop or bad cop, when you ride on the shirt tails of unions you get paid what the other guy gets paid. Not for what you bring to the table.
The system is broke
Cops are “self interested” in their careers? Who isn’t?
No one has volunteered MLPD pay structure? Public employee MOU’s are a matter of public record and available for review to anyone who is interested.
What crimes get solved other than traffic, drugs, and domestic violence? Perhaps the DA’s office could answer that question. But I’m in favor of drunk drivers, drug dealers and abusive spouses being prosecuted.
Wouldn’t it be nice if we lived in place free of crime, but unfortunately we don’t, so law enforcement will always be necessary.
Well, police can either be heroes or they can be self interested. Pick one and stick with it.
Otherwise, put a sock in it.
Taxpayer and veteran
Trouble, The trouble is that the two officers who have been involved in these
shenanigans that you’re referring to are apparently still with the Department.
John-I don’t know the answer to that, but the way it was all white washed and I think everybody ended up walking away from prosecution, is not helping their reputations now. I know most of us would have ended up with felony charges.
There is a good side to all this;
-less chicken … tickets
-less cops hiding in the bushes waiting to write chicken …. tickets
-less cops setting outside the bars waiting to write chicken…. tickets
and less fights behind being covered up by cops behind Rusty’s.
I can list more upon request.
Wait .. Trouble, I thought Rusty’s is in Bishop .. hehe
I was in line at Von’s today. The cashier was telling a wealthy looking LA woman about Mammoth budget cuts, less cops, and how everyone in town is loading their guns and putting them under their pillows. “It’s going to get bad” (refering to crime) he tells this affluent looking woman buying holiday flowers in her designer clothes.
They weren’t talking about the great snow or the storm or the holidays. The woman undoubtedly left the store with the thought planted in her head that Mammoth is going to become a less safe place and people are arming themselves.
We better double the tourism department budget.
nothing to fear but fear itself
Sean, the plain truth is …Mammoth HAS become a less safe place, down 5 cops & counting. Would you consider it to be as safe as it was a week ago, when there were a third more officers available to answer a a call for help ?
Safe is a relative term and should be used in perspective with regard to this situation. Mammoth is not going to become Compton. Sure, maybe a few people will get away speeding, but give me a break. For all of you attacking the Town Council, you sure can talk the talk. I seem to remember that only one person ran in the last election. If you are all so intelligent and great at the monday morning quarterback show, where where you in the last election? The Town lost a lawsuit, cuts need to be made, case closed, goodbye.
Good point Sean … I don’t think it is going to be the horror show it sounds like … according to some, but it will be something the people will have to deal with. I think it will change for the better, as soon as the TC gets the message from people to start doing their jobs correctly.
I get all the issues. If I was on the TC I would make public safety a much higher priority than tourism or public housing etc etc.
All it will take is one high profile incident where the cops took too long to respond or someone died or seriously beaten at the village due to a delayed response and the citizens of the town will apply the needed preasure to the TC to make public safety the # 1 priority.
Something bad will have to happen and then everyone will be screaming for more cops.
I think of it like the difference between Magic Mtn and Disneyland. Disneyland kicks out gang members or anyone who looks like they will cause problems. Magic Mtn does not. I have been to both over the years several times and I don’t go to Magic Mtn anyone due to all the knuckleheads I see there. They have had stabbings, shootings, and two riots at Magic Mtn. If anyone ever asks me I direct them to Disneyland because it is safer and you don’t see gangs walking around inside the park.
My point is no amount of tourism budgets and cool welcome signs will be able to fix the negative word of mouth effect of a place gaining a reputation of not being as safe.
I also warn those visting TOML about how dangerous the town is now due to the city councils choices. Sometimes it’s fun to throw more logs on the fire then really necessary. I complete understand where the Vons checker is coming from.
All but one of those officers began their law enforcment careers elsewhere. They left their previous employers to come and work here in Mammoth Lakes – presumably because they viewed MLPD as better than where they came from. MLPD was able to lure experienced officers from other agencies with attractive pay/benefits and working conditions. Now those officers are leaving for greener grass elsewhere.
Does anyone really believe that an experienced law enforcement officer from other agencies would touch MLPD with a 10-foot pole now? Rather than pick the cream of the crop, we will end up hiring inexperienced officers who were unable to get hired anywhere else. A recipe for mistakes that can prove very costly in the long run.
And to those who are in favor of MCSD taking over law enforcement for ML – Do you think the Sheriffs work for free? Do you think the Sheriffs will agree to work in unsafe conditions without sufficient backup and staffing? Do you think the Sheriffs will provide the service without sufficient supervision and overhead expenses built in? MCSD replacing MLPD does not automatically mean cheap policing for the town. Not to mention we would relinquish local control of our law enforcement.
The Town Council members phone numbers are listed on the Town of Mammoth Lakes website. Maybe the community should start calling them when they need police services. Won’t be anyone else to call. Or maybe they should call the overpaid bear whisperer, he has a gun that shoots bean bags.
-Officers were awaiting the results of the Town sponsored public survey that was conducted in which the Town Council stated that they wanted input from the public before making final decisions as to police lay-offs, raising taxes, etc. so that they could do what the community was in favor of. Despite at least 65% of the public not being in favor of cutting police services, the Town Council voted 5-0 to move forward with the proposed eliminations in July 2013. They initially proposed the lay-offs to happen in December 2012-
Sounds like the did what the town wanted them to do? Oh but wait ….. they decided to lay everyone off after the winter season .. when most of the rowdy skiers were back in LA.
hmmm. Too bad the town can’t lay off some council members!
Assuming you are a “miscellaneous” employee with regards a PERS formula – means you have never put life at risk to protect the general public. Big difference in my opinion.
Is there a police sergeant with 25 years sitting at the top of the scale grossing less than $100k in ca? I doubt it.
Maybe I’m a painter or a carpenter or an equip operator, or you know somebody who actually produces work every day. If I am forced out because of injury at 50 (happens all the time) the very best I’ll do is get 50% of my salary and that’s probably a real stretch, I might be physically disabled and on a $35,000 a year pension tops (more like $25,000 if I’m a painter).. Meanwhile the safety employee will get $75k minimum. How is that equitable?
You gonna look me in the eye and tell me your worth double or three times me doing nothing? I doubt it.
I’m telling you, the chickens are coming home to roost on this one. Cities and counties have no choice but to reevaluate their priorities.
Why don’t you fight for better retirement benefits for yourself instead of complaining that others are smarter and better prepared for their inevitable retirement?
No they are not better than you. You have just undervalued yourself.
Undervalued? These State workers might be the best workers around, but if we can’t afford them, we might have to go with 2nd best.
Who says the State must employee the best if they can’t afford to pay them?
I don’t drive the car I want, I drive the car I can afford. The State needs to employee people us taxpayers can afford. We can’t afford the current people with the current system. Something will have to change.
Equitable? Why does a Wall Street hedge fund dude make millions? Certainly not because he works harder. It is unrealistic to expect all career paths to be equitable.
Why didn’t you pursue a career in law enforcement if you think they’ve got it so good?
Attacking others for your career choices just reeks of jealousy.
Good point Ken and Charley. This topic is nothing new .. just new circumstances forcing it’s ugly head to rear up. We all make decisions what we want to do for a career or to make a living.
It’s easy in times like to pint the finger for woes. when everything is fat dumb and happy, everything is cool, Then they point two fingers .. “Peace baby”.
I’m with you Charley, we chose a career, because it is what we wanted to do … everyone is happy if they are moving along but don’t dare stop them from getting there, then you’re the reason for all of their woes.
Ken, right on, yeah I have heard your comments about your career choices ,, as you say, it was your choice to be where you are. This isn’t about pointing fingers though, or at least it shouldn’t be.
It is about how we are going to get out of this. Change some things .. spending, and give aways!
Hope you’re doing good Charley, aint seen ya in a while.
Charles O. Jones –
When I wanted to pursue a career as a L.A. County fireman it was during affirmative action and they were only hiring black and brown humans.
I’m thinking I want compensation for being disadvantaged by the color of my skin.
Maybe I should be allowed to own a casino, or perhaps Obama should give us white humans who could not get employment with L.A. County Fire 1.25 billion dollars to divide among us much like he just did with the black human farmers as payback for past discrimination.
The fact is until the churn in the public sector is the same as the private sector public agencies are paying too much.
I’m not jealous, I’m pissed I didn’t get to come to the party and feed at the trough at the taxpayers expense due to the color of my skin. Who wouldn’t be? It’s the good life.
Miscellaneous employee, not disagreeing with you totally, but I know a lot of retired LEO’s who are not pulling in those amounts, most patrolmen, SGT’s do not make those figures as you’re suggesting. Like some others suggest as well.
The problem is, the ranks higher than SGT’s. These employees pull it down, our elected officials pull it down.
The politicians in this country become independently wealthy with one term in office. And they set with lavish pensions, that make any police officer look poor.
The rooster has had his day withe hens hens, it’s time to pull some of those tail feathers, and stop giving away the eggs.
A previous post alluded to recalling some folks who are supposed to be watching over the barnyard and making sure things are copacetic, not ruling the roost and not just having their way with the hens.
The MLPOA has opened their contract and negotiated their salaries and benefits in order to save the jobs of fellow officers for the past 3 years. I for one understand that they are tired of being lied to by the town council and its time that they take a stand. Who’s to say that if they agreed to take a salary cut this time that jobs would be saved?
And for those of you who think your MLPD officers are overpaid, do some research of your own as to how much other California agencies are making in comparison to cost of living. Would love to see some of you who comment on here for one second do their job.
Those other California agencies are over compensating employees and are in financial trouble themselves. The entire system is failing.
I was going to invest in more gold but I’ve decided I’m going to purchase additional ammo instead. Lock and load!
It’s really a shame that a couple of bad apples in personnel have mucked up the reputation of MLPD so badly that it has come to this.
You got that right John. They are the ones that will stay at Mammoth PD because no other agency would hire them with their background. The good ones are leaving.
It is telling that officers can afford to retire with less than 25 years of service. With the current formulas used by most departments folks can go out with a 75% pension that can easily exceed 6 figures when the value of retiree health care is included. This kind of excess will eventually crush many municipalities.
Even cops have to admit this is out of whack. Time for a different strategy people.
I am ashamed of the leadership in this Town.
Seems to me the group we have now are stuck together like copulating dogs in the street.
If We the People are serious, and actually wanting to do something about the whole mess, you must gather petitions, get some legal advice, and initiate a recall of the elected officials who hire the at-will people.
Any takers?
This kind of excess is crushing many municipalities right now. San Bernardino is in big trouble right now. murder rate has doubled and they have 80 less officers on the streets. San Bernardino County DA told the public to load their guns and lock their doors.
I continue to be amazed at the choices TOML council makes. This isn’t anywhere close to being over.
Most of the crimes in Mammoth are minor. It looks to me like they average less than one arrest a day and will still have 9 officers to guard the snow stakes. Remember , the fire dept. and paramedics are still there to really help the people. Plus I don’t see what’s wrong with having volunteer back up police officers.
What is a volunteer officer? How much training? What is the liability?
Do you have any idea at all what you are talking about?
I think the 6 figures is delusional.
You should do some homework. Town employees don’t get retiree health care.
I don’t need to do anything to know that the story is more complicated than that. You can cherry pick all day, but if you know the structure then you understand the problem.
a few less cops in mammoth will not even be noticed..
the only thing the tax payers will notice are a few less pensions to feed
I feel for the officers that aren’t jumping ship & will have to take up the slack . ” NOBODY GETS A DAY OFF TILL SPRING”
I think it is more like sometimes when you call 911 no one shows up.
Marty Thompson leaving is the worst thing that could happen for the Town. He is a very compassionate and caring policeman, not very common for the Town Police Force. The Town Council and the Citizen’s of Mammoth loose on this one.
Yes, he is a wonderful person and policeman….I doubt that he would have been one of the ones to be let go if/when the department is downsized…..the same with the other policemen pictured in the news release….they most likely would have been the ones NOT let go… they left to make a point and put out a news release to make a point….but sadly the news release was also a call to criminals that it’s “open season” in Mammoth beginning now……sad on so many levels what the Town Council (=Woods/Eastman duo) has done to this town….it’s flat out WRONG what these men have done to Mammoth AND the police department! Let’s all call these two men with all our 911 emergencies!!!!!
Quiet storm, the officers would belet go in order of seniority. I do not blame them for taking other job opportunities while they are available. Jobs are hard to come by in this area. I don’t consider this a pattern.
Quietstorm, Wrong again! You should check your facts before posting. Marty Thompson was second from the bottom in seniority. The council voted to lay off seven officers. Do the math on that!
Are you married to a town council member or just a paid tool/spinmeister. You act like a classic dis-information tool. Your motto must be; “When you can’t attack the facts, attack the messenger.” Are you MMM’s husband? Look at his pattern, try Google.
You should think logically for once in your life. If you know, as a police officer, that you were going to lose your job on July 1, 2013, wouldn’t you start looking for a job now instead of waiting until the last minute? Don’t you think that these officers are thinking about what is best for their families? According to you, this establishes a “pattern” because the officers do not want to end up on unemployment! Are you out of your mind?
Also, these officers are very honorable men. Why would they want to work for a Town Council and two Town Managers that LIED to them. They were told that if they agreed to the July 2012 contract that reduced their wage and benefit package by 26%, the Town would never ask for more. 90 days later the Council asks for more, eliminating seven police officer positions. Remember, this is the same council that publically stated they wanted to violate the contract and lay off seven officers by December 31, 2012. The MLPOA had to hire an attorney to make the Town Council and Town Managers live up to the contract that they signed just 90 days before! What do you call that?
The real question is, are you being paid to make these assinine posts, or do you have other” problems”.?
Pretty harsh there get real .. you don’t always make sense either. One can say your responses and posts are assinine too. Quietstorm doesn’t seem to be against the PD or the officers, just that the press release seemed to be a message to the criminal types to c’mon it and rape and pillage.
I could see in a previous post … wayyy up top, the person was looking at the press release as vindictive, and I can see how it would appear to be, the closing sentiments were not exactly worded to convey the true feeling of the MLPOA. At first glance, it would appear that way, but with some thought on the matter, one can see the true message.
And furthermore it was stated in the poster’s last post … opposition to the whole mess. And I quote:
sad on so many levels what the Town Council (=Woods/Eastman duo) has done to this town….it’s flat out WRONG what these men have done to Mammoth AND the police department! Let’s all call these two men with all our 911 emergencies!!!!!
I think people need to read posts a little better, and read it through with the intent to listen in one’s mind .. what is being said, then form an opinion. I know I fall into that trap at times, and it is natural to want to snap back a comment even before one is done talking .. same thing as such in this medium.
Big Al, let me know what you did not understand and I will try and explain it to you. I promise to type real slow and not use any big words!
No I understood it fully Get real you don’t have to play down to me like I’m some sort of idiot, this response from you just proves my point, thank you.
OK, next time I will draw a stick figure picture for you.
I think you need to re think your thoughts about the message to the riff raff quietstorm .. seriously .. do you think the riff raff is like waiting for the go ahead, to storm the gates? Like they are checking a news board somewhere. I’m sure Sierra wave is their hot source, I mean c’mon .. but I totally agree with what the TC has done to the town.
I think like get real said … the Officers forced this issue to show their side as apposed to the garbage the TC has been putting out, so that people can see what is going on.
If I’m correct Marty hasn’t left yet. So are you telling the truth or attempting to predict the future.
Same applies to MLPOA; They can’t predict the future. I say It’s not the truth because it hasn’t happened yet.
“The MLPOA would like to wish its residents and visitors a happy and safe holiday season.”
…are you serious?…
I am appalled that the police association (with this news release) would knowingly put the public’s safety at further risk by announcing to would-be criminals when is the best time to commit crimes!
I have not been in favor of a reduced police force and have always valued the work that the police do in our town….but…..
I wonder at their lack of wisdom to publish this “news release”….is it to push the TCs face in it? or put the citizens that they say they want to protect at further risk?
This news release is a show of lack of professionalism and class.
Good luck to these individuals and their families….it’s too bad that they could not have fought harder for the town they say they loved and for the citizens that DID (and do) support them.
I imagine that when the going gets tough in their soon-to-be new jobs….that they will just move on again….patterns are hard to break!
Don’t get your panties in a wad… You need to lay the blame with your friends at the Town Council. The citizens need to know that December is the beginning of what the Town Council has been pushing. These officer needed to find new jobs of to be left jobless by your friends on the Town Council. The MLPOA has been looking out for the best interest of the citizens of mammoth and it officers. Oh and Merry Christmas quitestorm.
Quiet Storm, they are not getting their way so this is their tactic. What people are over-looking on here is this: all 17 cops could have stayed if they were willing to take a pay cut and operate within a smaller budget – a budget other towns exactly like Mammoth function on. Heck, some even have 20+ officers. They just make less. I myself could be making twice as much if I chose to live in LA, but I sacrifice because of the quality of life here. Also, Bennett, isn’t the county responsible to provide sheriffs if we need them on busier weekends? Isn’t that why we pay taxes?
The Town Council has ordred the cut of seven positions. There has been no public disclosure that pay cuts would save all those jobs.
Mono County Sheriff is not obligated to provide officers to Mammoth Lakes which is a municipality and responsible for its own
law enforcement.
Benett Kessler
Town did not order any cuts, just a reduced budget, that is up to the manager which is the Cheif to run his department on a revised budget. The TC does not run the PD the Cheif does.
That’s true, but their restructuring plan specifically stated reduction of 7 positions in the MLPD.
SkiJohn, it seems that you do not wish to be confused by the actual facts so you make your own up.
I go to every single TC meeting, and I’ve heard every council member say if the officers would cut their pay, more jobs could be preserved. Do you bother to go to the meetings, Get Real?
You my go the the meetings but clearly you do not listen.
What patterns are you referring to? Your comment is nonsensical. All of it.
Look, there is job history in the story. The point being that it was irresponsible to announce to the world that some of the best officers are leaving, that the department is understaffed effective NOW and then say “have a happy and SAFE holiday”….really? What exactly was the point of the news release? What purpose did it service? Who did it serve? How did it help the citizens of Mammoth? You may be feeling all safe and cozy in your family….but the rest of Mammoth…not so much, esp after this wonderful “news release”. Have a beautiful holiday season. And remember, I stated that I support the police department and did not support any reduction in policemen….so I guess your comment about “all” of my comment being nonsensical includes me and all citizens who support the department? hmmm…..and that makes sense?
Since when is telling the truth irresponsible? The MLPOA is simply pointing out to the citizens that they serve, the results of the Town Council’s decision.
The citizens have a right to know.
Quietstorm: Let me itemize my issues with ALL of your comments:
The MLPOA, in their one press release, has not put the safety of the TOML at risk. The town council has, with its months of announcements intending to cut almost half of the town’s police force. The “best” time to commit crime in Mammoth has not been determined by the press release. If indeed there is a “best” time to commit crime in Mammoth, it has been created by the town council.
You consider yourself to be supportive of the police and not supportive of the cuts; however, you clearly have issues with the police dept. advocating for itself and its concerns over town safety when you decide the press release is an example of “a lack of professionalism and class.” That’s an interesting way to show support!
I am curious as to the depth of your personal knowledge regarding how the people “and their families” have fought, or not fought, for the town they “say they love”. What do you know about individual officers’ dedication to this town, or what they may or may not have done to avoid leaving their jobs for retirement or other situations?
Finally, your last comment is SO NONSENSICAL it’s humorous….you consider it merely “the going getting tough” when officers are told 7 of them will lose their jobs. And you say it’s a “pattern”, to find other employment when their jobs are publicly announced as being not part of the town’s future. Most people need employment to exist in society. I find it funny to even have to make this point. Really? For the sake of loyalty to the town they should just go down with the big sinking ship? That’s stupid. I’m sorry you see it as a “pattern” when folks find it necessary to earn a pay check to take care of their families.
To all the thumbs down……answer me this: What exactly was the purpose of this news release? What was the motivation of the police that wrote this, signed this, ok’ed this news release?
Did it really help the citizens of Mammoth? or was it completely self serving and at the expense of public safety?
The purpose of the press release was to tell the public the truth about what the Town Council decisions have resulted in. The public has a RIGHT TO KNOW.
Quietstorm, you really must stop drinking the Town Council Koolaid and look at the big picture.
Please explain why it is wrong for the MLPOA to tell the truth about decisions made by the Town Council, and what those decisions have resulted in.
OK Quietstorm here goes. The “truth” could have been told at any time, in many far less flamboyant ways. Doing it this way right before the busiest time of year was accurately calculated to gain the widest possible dissemination down south and inflict the hardest possible economic hit on the Town. The merchants and workers in TOML will be in the best position to assess whether MLPD’s last act of “public service” had its intended consequences some time around mid-January.
Can’t say I blame men for being vindictive – I’m not an angel myself. But it’s a heck of a thing to be remembered for at the end of one’s service. Well, it’s MLPD’s legacy now.
I see it quietstorm as their side of the story .. they did not force this issue on the town of Mammoth Lakes, they might have been willing to work with the TC, but the TC made it clear they were decided to cut jobs … after the winter season died down. At first they wanted to do it this month, but I’m sure someone was like .. ehem .. wait, we cut em now .. we have to deal with the height of the winter season let’s wait until July.\
So they knew jobs were going to be cut, their safety and the citizen’s safety was eminently going to be compromised. once they cut positions, they set a precedent, and will be able to pay as well.
Doesn’t seem like double standard that they are cutting other positions, and pay, other than their own? Doesn’t seem not right, that they vote 5-0 for moving forward with their plan, after their own poll .. revealed that 65% of the town citizens polled, were in favor of no cuts?
This is the same thing going on in Sacramento, and Washington DC.
Oh but I hope everyone’s holiday is safe .., I hope the town is blessed with no bad joojoo until the TC decides to do the right thing.
Quietstorm, you make no sense at all. How could they have fought harder? The officers, and especially the Chief went to the mat with a Town Council that had their minds made up and would not listen to them or the public.
The MLPOA’s press release was spot on. Why is it wrong for the MLPOA to tell the truth to the public about what the Town Council’s decisions have resulted in? The citizens have a right to know don’t they?
the town council members must have great home security systems,and they odviously dont go out at night,the only justice is if the council members are directly affected by a lack of police force
Looks like its open season for criminals. Best grab your guns and lock yourselves inside for the busy holiday because all kinds of out of town riff raft will be making way here to cause havoc!
How many police officers could the Town employ if we were to eliminate one of the two town managers? Two town managers…I just don’t get it.
Try and say “Marianna Marysheva-Martinez” 3 times real fast.
They better get the contract in place with the sheriff pretty soon. I rather see several deputies driving around since they wouldn’t have to pay for all that fat like a chief and six civilians.
What makes ANY of you think that contracting with the Sheriff’s Dept. would be any cheaper than having the regular police force…the Sheriff would set a price that would be non-negotiable and it probably be about the same money, so it’s a moot point, really.
” It is unlikely that any qualified police officers would come to work for the Town of Mammoth Lakes under these working conditions, ”
Time to get rid of the whole damn department and go to the Sheriff like it used to be, absurd propaganda!
The Town Council never asked the Sheriff for a proposal, that we know of, and the Sheriff doesn’t have to accept a
contract to cover Mammmoth. Not that simple.
It;s. Not. The. Same. Town. That. It. Used. To. Be. When. The. Sherriff. Provided. Police. Protection.
Talk about living under a rock.
I agree with Mr. Startz, I can’t stand when people start playing on peoples fears. As long as Mammoth has it’s fire dept. , no ones going to be left for dead. Mammoth is far from a violent town.
Hey John, try thinking for just a moment. The Sheriff’s Department does not want the Police Department and the Town can’t make him tale it over. Now what oh great thinker?
If public safety was a priority of the police officers then why don’t they take a pay cut and save the force from these layoffs at the same time protect the community. Nobody from the force ever brought this to the conversation. The problem is the town does not have the money to pay their salaries.
In this economic downturn a lot of people lost there jobs and most had to make cuts except the public sector. Most of us in the private sector don’t have generous pensions, ability to retire at age 55 or 50 if your in public safety, generous health coverage, and PTO.
To those who still disagree with me you can always open up your wallets and donate to save the police force.
Something to remember – the police did give up 26% of their compensation in negotiations last summer and quite possibly other concessions earlier.
Just a point that they have taken cuts.
Benett Kessler
Steve, as I see it .. a lot of public sector people have been taking pay cuts and lay offs, this story is just on example of this, things like this are playing out all over the country. It is just that some don’t see it, but it is happening. As Benett said, they have taken cuts here.
The one good indicator pointing against your argument .. is the lay offs, that is a cut, that I am sure the TC is giving after getting concessions from the officers who agreed to give some concessions. And now the TC is going for more.
Look at the state of California, they cut peoples wages roughly 5% .. told those people, either take a pay cut or lay offs! Pole agreed to take the put so people would not lose jobs, then the state said well we said they would not take anymore than 5%, that was all that was needed to get out of the mess .. they lied lol .. ok so now they told them, we have to cut another %5, and .. we might have to lay off more folks.
They recinded the 10% cuts , but the new governor said he would cut them back again and lay folks off if he didn’t get his new tax. I don’t think he should have gotten it, all it’s going to do is allow the bunch in Sacramento to spend more money.
unfortunately if he hadn’t those folks would have had to bear cuts again and or lose jobs. People do not know that the average state worker has not had a cost of living raise in close to 13 years, just pay cuts. I think you are wrong about people in the public sector, not feeling the pinch.
If its so terrible then go get another job. Nobody is forced to work anywhere, I think Lincoln put an end to slavery.
No, it’s time to hire some younger officers at a lower pay rate, then see what the budget looks like in July 2013.