– Following is a press release from the Town of Mammoth Lakes – a summary of the decisions reached in Monday’s and Tuesday’s Town Council strategic planning sessions.

 Town Council / staff strategic planning sessions on July 8-9,


2013: Summary of Decisions and Directions

A) Agreement has been reached on the following priorities:

1. Fund Political Commitment Areas: Keep political commitments and current

baseline funding (per the FY 2013-14 budget) to Tourism / Marketing; Transit and


2. Revenue Generation: Focus on revenue generation, through:

a. Support Economic Development financially and otherwise, at least at the

FY 2013-14 level, including: (a) filling a permanent Community &

Economic Development Director position; and (b) finalizing the Zoning

Code Update.

b. TOT education and enforcement (a funded effort)

c. Additional revenue raising through the proposed TBID effort.

3. Recreation: See the MLR process through completion in the summer / fall 2013.

4. Effective Management: Provide sufficient resources and support to the Town

staff to effectively do their work:

a. Continue commitment to IT funding of no less than the FY 2013-14

baseline. (Sufficient for an IT maintenance contract and limited

replacement funds.)

b. Support additional funding for the finance system replacement. (Staff will

provide recommendations to the Town Council in the fall of 2013.)

c. Fund sufficient staffing in the Town’s departments that provide critical


i. Finance: Currently fully staffed, but the organizational structure is

currently being evaluated. (Staff expects to provide

recommendations to the Town Council in the fall of 2013.)

ii. Public Safety: Increase uniform staffing when ongoing resources

become available; do not reduce further.

d. Encourage increase in productivity without reducing service levels.

5. Infrastructure: Enhance road maintenance budget to $750,000 in FY 2013-14

when funding becomes available. Enhance funding to at least $1 million annually

once funding becomes available.

B) The following direction has been given to to staff through the Town


1. All future requests for Council decision and/or funding must be evaluated

against: (a) the Council’s established priorities and (b) mandates. Staff

recommends adding a section to each Town Council agenda bill with

this filter information, prominently displayed in the beginning.

2. Publicly state / post the Town Council priorities on the website, and in

the Town Council Chambers.

3. Develop a schedule for the Town’s annual budget process, to start with the

Council’s annual strategic planning sessions, no later than February of each


4. At the end of each fiscal year, the Town should report on its accomplishments

publicly, preferably no later than August.

5. The Town Manager would like to hold a staff-level strategic planning session with

the management staff in September-October 2013, as soon as incumbents for

the CED and PW director positions are selected. Based on the strategic planning

sessions with staff, the Town Manager will return to the Town Council in the

fall of 2013 – preferably in conjunction with the 1st quarter financial report,

planned for November 20 2013 – with the following Strategic Plan:

a. Discussion of programs, efforts and services that will not be provided /

delivered, or will be reduced, in the status quo situation: i.e., there are

no significant changes in revenues or expenditures from the FY 2013-14


b. Recommended long-term fiscal planning measures:

i. Balancing measures in the case of a projected shortfall in FY 13-

14, and future years. (The five-year forecast currently includes

shortfalls in fiscal years 2014-15 and beyond.)

ii. Add-backs in the case of a projected surplus in FY 13-14, and

future years.

c. Identification of the most critical items that must be tracked and

reported on, quarterly. Consideration will be given to the deliverables

identified in the five-year plan approved on December 5, 2012.


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