Sierra Wave Media

Eastern Sierra News for February 08, 2025





mule days

  Mule Days 2021 is a GO!

A Message from the Bishop Mule Days Board and Staff:

We are excited to announce the Bishop Mule Days Board and staff, working together with the Tri-County Fair Board and staff, as well as Inyo County Public Health has determined that Mule Days 2021 is a go!

In concert with health officials, we are planning for a safe event that our fans and spectators will remember for years to come. In compliance with State guidelines mandatory restrictions and capacity limits will apply to arena seating, so be sure to call now to get your reservations. Some of our popular indoor events have been canceled due to these limits such as the Concert and Opening Night Supper. Despite restrictions, we are very confident that we can still put on a quality show. We’re going back to our roots where Mule Days is all about the mule!

Mule Days photo

Mule Days is back at the Tri-County Fairgrounds!

We do recognize and stress that guidance from the State of California can change at any time between now and the end of May. That said, all of our events will take place on our beautiful Tri-County Fairgrounds in the fresh outdoor air of the Owens Valley and the majestic backdrop of the mighty Eastern High Sierra, always worthy of visiting!

This in itself makes Mule Days a safe outdoor event.  We have taken note of outdoor events across the Country and have learned how to provide a safe environment. We have noted the vigorous safety protocols of these events and determined how best to adapt guidance from our local Public Health Department in implementing our Covid protocols.

It is time for Mule Days to return to our community, recognizing not only the vast economic impact for our area, but to be one of the first in California to say, “we are back”, better than ever and ready to welcome our visitors and guests to the Greatest Mule Show on Earth.

mulesDon’t Miss the Parade down Main Street in Bishop!

For further information on our policies, protocols and safety measures, please visit our website: to view an “FAQ” by 5 p.m. April 16th or call our office, 760-872-4263.

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