– Press release from the Owens Valley Mosquito Abatement Program

Increased water levels in the Lower Owens River Project, downstream from the Alabama Gates, has the potential to increase adult mosquito populations in and around Lone Pine. This may prompt spraying over the next few days if populations increase significantly.

LORP from Inyo Water Dept.

To reduce the mosquito population and potential infected mosquitoes, which may carry diseases, truck-mounted mosquito spray application may be required in and around Lone Pine.

Inyo County staff are carefully monitoring the larval and adult populations of mosquitoes to determine if fogging will be required.

All spray applications will take place between 4 am and 7 am. Spraying may be rescheduled due to weather conditions. The applications will not leave significant residue and is not persistent in the environment.

The public is urged to protect themselves from mosquito bites especially during the hours around dawn and dusk. Wearing long sleeves and pants and using a mosquito repellent containing DEET, Picaridin or Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus will help limit the risk of contracting West Nile Virus.