lonepineThe US Forest Service is writing a Forest Plan Revision for Inyo National Forest and they are asking for public input.

The paper they are working from has 118 sections of which one section has to do with Social, Cultural and Economic Conditions (that is us) and two sections that have to do with recreation (that is us).

As Lone Pine is a tourist based economy and what the Forest Service does with the forest directly affects us, we need to be involved with what the revised plan is going to look like. And, unless we step up and let them know what we want and do not want, they move forward from their forest service prospective. That is not bad necessarily it is just not always in the best interest of our livelihoods.

The organizations Advocates for Access to Public Lands and the Lone Pine Chamber of Commerce are reaching out to get the businesses in Owens Valley to participate in identifying key social, economic and ecological conditions you think should be considered in one of the topic paper chapters.  Issues or problems related to the resource.  Looking to the future, what changes can be expected.

I know you are busy, I certainly appreciate that it is difficult to get involved however, after the decisions that affect us are made it is nearly impossible to fix.

The Lone Pine Chamber has information available and response forms to let the forest service know what you think is important. You can also respond electronically to the email addresses below.  Responses are dues by April 5th so we don’t have a lot of time.

Please call 760-876-4444 Kathleen, or stop by the Chamber for more information.

Write your comments to: Forest Plan Revision

                                         351 Pacu Lane

                                         Bishop CA 93514

Email your comments to:  comments-pacificsouthwest-[email protected]

To review the paper go to:  www.fs.usda.gov/land/inyo/landmanagement/planning


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