Inyo National Forest Announces the Release of Draft Assessment Report  (Press Release)

usfssign.jpgBishop, Calif., November 18, 2013 – The Inyo National Forest has released the forest’s Draft Assessment Report for public review. The assessment is the first phase of the process to revise the 1988 Inyo National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan (Forest Plan or plan).

The Draft Assessment Report summarizes the findings of the topic papers including forest resource conditions and trends, social and economic conditions, and recreation opportunities and access. The assessment will frame the Need for Change as the forest develops a revised plan and evaluates the environmental effects of the proposed plan as required by the National Environmental Policy Act.

The Inyo National Forest is one of three National Forests in California revising its Forest Plan using the 2012 National Forest System Planning Rule. The forests will complete plan revision through a joint Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) starting in 2013.

The Draft Assessment Report is available for review through December 16, 2013 on the forest’s webpage: Input can be provided via or email (comments-pacificsouthwest-[email protected]) or by mail (Forest Plan Revision, Inyo National Forest, 351 Pacu Lane, Suite 200, Bishop, CA 93514).

A public meeting to review the Draft Assessment Report is scheduled for 6:00 pm, December 5, 2013 at the Supervisor’s Office, 351 Pacu Lane, Bishop CA. A webinar is also scheduled for December 11 at 2:00 pm. Please call or email Deb Schweizer ([email protected]760-873-2427) to sign up for the webinar.

More information about Forest Plan Revision is available at

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