joint press release

-Please do not over inundate front line responders-

INYO COUNTY, CA, December 11, 2020 – Inyo County hospitals and emergency services are seeing sharp increases in patients and requests for service that are non-emergent, resulting in Emergency Room bed shortages, and possible increased wait times. Inyo County has a limited amount of EMTs and front-line healthcare providers. The following guidelines are encouraged to curb over-extension of Inyo County’s valued COVID-19 responders:

  • Do not call 911 unless it is an emergency; non-emergency calls can use 760-878-0383, option 4
  • If you have any of the following symptoms it is an EMERGENCY, call 911 or go to your local ER: difficulty breathing, persistent pain, pressure in the chest, new confusion, inability to awaken, bluish lips or face, choking, acute pain, severe abdominal pain, severe bleeding, or chest pain – or any other serious injury.
  • Do not go to the emergency room for non-emergency conditions. If you are not sure, contact your primary care physician.
  • First, for non-emergency symptoms of COVID-19 or other illness, call your Primary Care Physician for their expert opinion. Your doctor may offer telemedicine so you can have a virtual consultation or schedule an appointment to see you in person.

The Inyo County COVID-19 response team values your effort to stay safe and reduce the spread, including adhering to the current Regional Stay at Home Order.

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