Obviously, a pre-Covid photograph. Latest TOML guidelines clarify what should be happening.
Lodging operations are to follow state guidelines in latest short-term lodging order related to fitness centers, hot tubs, pools or other amenities
Outdoor Spa Pools
Effective February 1, 2021, Outdoor Spa Pools are approved for use with the following conditions and restrictions:
- Outdoor spas are restricted to use by members of a single household/living unit only.
- Encourage staff and guests to stay at home if they feel ill, tested positive for COVID-19, or were exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
- Reservations for use of the spa by different groups shall be taken ahead of time by the facility manager. The reservation list of all individuals or groups using the spa each day shall be kept by the spa management for a minimum of 30 days. The facility manager shall maintain a contact phone number for each group in case follow-up contact tracing is necessary.
- Guests shall wear face masks when not in the spa. It is recommended that masks not be continuously worn while in the spa as they will become wet and ineffective.
- The maximum number of spa users at one time shall not exceed the state allowable occupancy of 1 person per 10 square feet of spa water surface area. Spa occupancy signs should already be posted at spa-side indicating this maximum allowable occupancy.
- Between each group of spa users, management shall disinfect high touch point surfaces (e.g., handrails, deck coping, door handles on access/exit doors to the spa/pool area, all restroom surfaces, etc.). Management should schedule enough time between spa users to accommodate this cleaning and disinfection protocol.
- Special attention shall be made to maintain the minimum required sanitizer in the spa at all times. Sanitizer concentration in the spa shall be checked at least two times per day. The chemical readings shall be logged on the pool/spa facility daily maintenance log, which is already an existing requirement for pool/spa facilities.
- Indoor spa and/or pool use is currently still prohibited for use.
Additional information regarding the Blueprint for a Safer Economy is available online or by visiting the Mono County COVID-19 Portal in English or Spanish.
Cover. Wash. Distance #staysafetostayopen #VaccinateMono
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