Press Release: Revision of lodging processes and guidelines for short-term lodging operators within the incorporated Town of Mammoth Lakes
On January 25, 2021 officials with the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) ended the Regional Stay-at-Home Order (RSAHO) for all regions statewide, issued on December 6, 2020.
Mono County and the Town of Mammoth Lakes re-entered the most restrictive Tier 1 Widespread (Purple) of the Blueprint for a Safer Economy the State’s “stringent and slow plan for living with COVID-19” based on our high rates of local transmission.
The lifting of the RSAHO for the Southern Californian Region allows for the revision of lodging processes and guidelines for short-term lodging operators within the incorporated Town of Mammoth Lakes.
“The Town remains vigilant in our effort to reduce the Coronavirus infection and positivity rates within our community. Strong support and effort by all our businesses is required to achieve that goal to help us move to less restrictive tiers and greater economic sustainability in the future,” stated Dan Holler, Town Manager. “The cooperative work with our lodging partners during these trying times is greatly appreciated.”
Effective Monday, February 1, 2021 the restrictions imposed by the new Town of Mammoth Lakes Lodging Order will be reviewed as needed and shall remain in effect until April 30, 2021 unless modified, repealed, or extended by the Town.
Short-term lodging facilities (including, but not limited to hotels, motels, condo/hotels, short-term or vacation rentals such as AirBnB’s/VRBO’s or any similar reservation platform, timeshares, bed and breakfast establishments, cabins, RV parks, campgrounds, and other similar units) shall be managed to achieve a maximum 70% daily occupancy level for occupancies of 30 days or less.
The occupancy level is to be achieved by implementation of the following:
• Hotels, Motels, Condo-Hotels and properties managed by management companies operating 10 or more privately owned properties are limited to a 70% occupancy on a daily basis. Each such management company shall limit the aggregate occupancy of the units or properties it manages to 70% each day. These restrictions do not include stays by the owner of an individual unit (restrictions apply to all other guests using the unit).
• Occupancy for properties owned or managed by owners or operators with less than 10 privately owned properties is limited to 21 rental days per unit per month. In order to reduce weekend visitation, the 21 rental days per month shall not exceed 3 weekends per calendar month. Each such property shall remain vacant for at least one weekend per month; a weekend includes both a Friday and Saturday night. These restrictions do not include stays by the owner of the individual unit (restrictions apply to all other guests using the unit).
• Occupancy of units in a private residence club is limited as follows: (i) the 70% occupancy limit in paragraph 2.a above applies; (ii) occupancy is restricted to owners only; (iii) a 48-hour vacancy is required between stays; and (iv) hot tubs shall remain closed.
All short-term lodging properties are still required to:
• Launder all bedding, linens, towels, and similar items between each occupancy without exception.
• Wash/sanitize all kitchen supplies, food preparation areas and common areas between each occupancy without exception.
• Leave Units/Rooms (‘Units”) vacant for a minimum period of 24 hours between occupancies except for housekeeping staff with required personal protective equipment (PPE). PPE includes masks, and gloves and eye protection if requested and disposable gowns or similar reusable coverings that are laundered after each work shift.
Lodging Amenities:
• Lodging operations are to follow state guidelines as follows or as such may be amended, “fitness centers must operate outdoors [remain closed indoors]. Outdoor hot tubs can open only for use by household groups or in cases where six feet of distancing can be maintained. Indoor pools, hot tubs, saunas, and steam rooms must remain closed.”
Additional information regarding the Blueprint for a Safer Economy is available online or by visiting the Mono County COVID-19 Portal in English or Spanish.
Cover. Wash. Distance #staysafetostayopen #VaccinateMono
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Who will enforce this? The honor system has proven highly ineffective.