The following is a press release from Inyo County:

For the first time, the entire Fiscal Year 2011-2012 County Administrative Officer Recommended Budget document is being provided on-line at the County’s webpage,

The 629-page document details the revenue and expenditures being proposed for each of the County’s budget units for the current fiscal year, and will be the subject of the County’s Budget Hearings that commence in the Board of Supervisors Chambers, in the Inyo County Administrative Offices, 224 N. Edwards Street, Independence, California, at 9 a.m. on Monday, September 12, 2011.

“The Budget is the County’s spending plan and, as such, sets Inyo County’s service and program priorities for the coming year,” said Kevin Carunchio, County Administrative Officer and Budget Officer. “If citizens want to know what’s happening in the County or, more importantly, influence its priorities, there’s no better time to get involved in local government than the budget process. I encourage all residents and business owners to review the Recommended Budget and come to the Budget Hearings.”

For those looking for lighter reading, also on the webpage is the CAO’s 50-page Budget Message that introduces the Recommended Budget and looks at the “big picture” fiscal challenges and opportunities faced by the County this fiscal year.

 The Budget Message contains information about the “precarious” nature of the state’s budget situation, and how changes in the state budget could impact Inyo County. The Budget Message also includes concise information about the county’s income (from taxes, fees and other sources) and a breakdown of expenses by function (i.e. Public Safety, Roads, Public Assistance, Public Health, General Services, etc.).

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