Sierra Wave Media

Eastern Sierra News for December 26, 2024





Press release

MCWD Board of Directors Return Customers to Permanent Water Conservation Requirements

The Mammoth Community Water District (MCWD) Board of Directors unanimously voted to lift Level 3 Water Shortage Restrictions and return to normal Permanent Water Conservation Regulations at a meeting on April 20th.

The Level 3 restrictions sought a 30 percent decrease in monthly water demand in comparison to usage in 2013.  Board President Tom Smith said “Our customers did a stellar job reducing demand during the worst period of the drought. The Board’s review of current water and weather conditions by staff indicate Level 3 restrictions are no longer necessary.

We would like to thank our customers for understanding the need to conserve and taking action to reduce water use. The drop in customer water demand contributed to maintaining deliveries without having to implement a total restriction on outdoor irrigation.”

The Water Conservation Regulations now in effect restrict wasteful use of water.  For example, a hose being used to wash a vehicle must have an automatic shut-off nozzle and middle of the day irrigation is not allowed. The most notable change is the increase in allowable irrigation days from two to three and the increase in allowable hours to irrigate.  Several of the most relevant regulations follow:

  • Even addresses may water Mon, Wed, Sat and odd addresses may water Tue, Thurs, Sun. Irrigation hours are 1 am to 11 am and 4 pm to 11 pm.
  • Runoff from irrigation using potable water is prohibited (State requirement).
  • New lawns can be planted, but a variance from MCWD is required if irrigation will occur outside of the allowable days and times.
  • Refurbishing an existing lawn is also allowed under the current regulations.
  • Washing down hard surfaces is not allowed unless there are health and safety concern (State requirement).
  • Restaurants may serve water only on request (State requirement).
  • Transient occupancy units must provide guests with the option of not having towels and linens laundered daily (State requirement).

A detailed list of the Water Conservation Regulations are available from the MCWD website,

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