This letter from Charles James of Health Communities Southern Inyo points to a meeting Tuesday at 6:30pm at the Independence Kids Club:

At Healthy Communities’ board meeting yesterday we discussed funding issues for the Kids Club in Independence. There was concern over the expenses which have been over and above the funding provided by the school district last year and are still going to be with us continuing into future. It is no secret that funding for our youth, whether for education or other activities, is being severely impacted by budget cuts and a sluggish economy. Healthy Communities’ funding, along with many other organizations, has been greatly impacted as well.

HC Board President Jaque Hickman and VP Lis Mazzu would like to meet with community members next Tuesday at the Kids Club to thoroughly look into the raffle proposed to help fund it through the next year. Specific concerns were raised over venues to be used in selling the tickets, the level of involvement and commitment of the community in Independence, and strategies proposed to fund the fundraising effort itself.

We realize that the timing for most of us is bad in that the situation involving the Kids Club happened suddenly in the month leading up to the summer and then into the summer; a time when many of us are already extremely busy with work and long-planned vacations.  However, the success of the fundraising effort is dependent on moving forward with a sense of urgency. We simply do not have a lot of time to waste.

We are appealing to those on the fundraising group, community members, parents, and family members willing to work to keep our Kids Club operating to attend a meeting with Healthy Communities board members at the Kids Club on Tuesday evening at 6:30 p.m.

If you know of anyone who would be willing to participate in this important cause for our youth, please share this with them and encourage them to please attend.

Sincerely, Charles James

Healthy Communities of Southern Inyo

P.O. Box 627

Lone Pine, CA 93545

Tel: (760) 876-1011

Fax: (408) 228-8701

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