News release
SACRAMENTO, CA – January 17, 2019 – The Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) installed its 2019 Officers and presented its Rural Leadership Awards at their annual reception in Sacramento yesterday.
Inyo County Supervisor Matt Kingsley was installed as Chair, Merced County Supervisor Daron McDaniel was installed as First Vice Chair, and Mono County Supervisor Stacy Corless was installed as Second Vice Chair. Humboldt County Supervisor Rex Bohn remains an Officer as Immediate Past Chair. The newly installed 2019 Officers will lead the organization in championing policies on behalf of California’s rural counties.
“This year’s political climate will be challenging for California’s rural counties, and I am honored to have been selected by my peers to lead the organization in 2019,” said Supervisor Kingsley. “I look forward to working with my RCRC colleagues to develop and execute strategies that turn these challenges into opportunities and solutions for public policy issues that are unique to rural California.”
In addition to the Installation of Officers, Rural Leadership Awards were presented to two public officials who have demonstrated an understanding of, and leadership in, rural issues and the unique challenges that rural communities face. In addition to their ongoing desire to improve the quality of life in California’s rural counties, this year’s recipients were selected for their role in the enactment of Senate Bill 901 (Dodd), a comprehensive legislative effort to address forest management in California. This landmark legislation provides $1 billion over the next five years to improve the condition of the state’s forests, and SB 901 is sure to improve the lives and safety of those who reside and work in forested areas of California.
Assemblymember Jim Wood (D-Santa Rosa) was the first recipient of the 2018 Rural Leadership Award.
“I think the partnership and collaboration that Assemblymember Dahle and I showed in 2018 only verifies what I already knew – that rural challenges are unique and nonpartisan, and although sometimes we may approach solutions differently, oftentimes the solution is plain as day and working together makes a huge impact on its success,” said Assemblymember Wood.
Assemblymember Brian Dahle (R-Bieber) was the second recipient of the 2018 Rural Leadership Award. Assemblymember Dahle is the first individual to receive the Rural Leadership Award more than once – a true testament to his commitment to addressing and resolving a variety of issues in rural California.
“It was my honor to be able to present Assemblymembers Wood and Dahle with RCRC’s 2018 Rural Leadership Award,” said Supervisor Bohn, RCRC Immediate Past Chair. “Their ability to persevere together in a bipartisan manner to enact this landmark legislation is a true example of the courageous leadership that our state needs.”
In addition to the 2019 Officers, five regional representatives were appointed at the RCRC Board of Directorsmeeting earlier in the day. These representatives join the RCRC Officers to make up the full 2019 RCRC Executive Committee. The regional representatives were appointed as follows:
Region 1: Supervisor Michael Kobseff (Siskiyou)
Region 2: Supervisor Aaron Albaugh (Lassen)
Region 3: Supervisor Diane Dillon (Napa)
Region 4: Supervisor Jack Garamendi (Calaveras)
Region 5: Supervisor Kuyler Crocker (Tulare)
Details on RCRC’s 2019 Executive Committee and other Committee Chairs can be accessed here.
The Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) is a thirty-six member county strong service organization that champions policies on behalf of California’s rural counties. RCRC is dedicated to representing the collective unique interests of its membership, providing legislative and regulatory representation at the State and Federal levels, and providing responsible services for its members to enhance and protect the quality of life in rural California counties.
To learn more about RCRC, visit and follow @RuralCounties on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
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