In a move that was largely anticipated, Inyo County Public Health Officer, James Richardson, has issued a public health order to the effect that anyone in the general public leaving their homes to access essential and non-essential services must wear cloth face coverings, especially when unable to maintain 6’ social distancing. [A copy of the order can be found at the end of this article.
While this new public health order has been mandated, others are being rescinded. Those orders are:
- Order issued 3/20/2020 – Temporary Prohibition of Non-Essential Public Gatherings, Required Social Distancing Measures, Closure and Limitations of Certain Businesses.
- Order issued 3/31/2020 – Businesses Operating During COVID-19 Note: Despite the rescission of these local orders, many of their provisions remain in effect statewide pursuant to the Governor’s current executive orders and guidance. The public is advised to review those orders & to contact state or local health departments with questions. Those that remain in effect are:
- A May 8, 2020 revision of the Order issued March 27, 2020 that requires self-isolation and quarantine for individuals who are diagnosed with COVID-19, and their close contacts.
- Order issued on April 23, 2020, amended and superseded the Health Officer order issued on March 31, 2020 and prohibits certain short-term rentals.
- Order issued on April 27, 2020 provides for universal use of face masks at all residential, long-term care, and skilled nursing facilities and provides guidance as to the types of masks that can be used under certain conditions. For more information on the Revised Inyo County Health Order visit:
For more information on the Revised State of California Health Order visit:
- Parking Lot or Drive-in Gatherings: The California Department of Public Health indicated that as of May 7th services held by churches or school graduations, can occur using a “drive-in” model in which each vehicle is occupied by only common household members, appropriate 6 foot social distancing between vehicles is maintained and masking orders are followed.
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We have to wear shoes to go inside businesses. I really don’t get the hubbub about temporarily having to wear masks. All you folks calling these precautions tyranny when we still Have much to learn about this virus are being incredibly irresponsible.
The other thing this will do is send the few who do shop locally to Nevada in even bigger numbers. Same for Mono county, both are just wiping out small business and seem to have little concern about it. Nevada and other border states will also see huge increases of people moving there because the state of Cal is going to melt down with a huge budget shortfall in the billions and there is one thought usually by liberals to raise taxes on the consumers and few tax payers. The liberals never want to reduce the size of government which should be the main idea so they double down on taxes.
Went to Chalfant Big Trees earlier today. The place was jumping with business. Staff was wearing masks as were all the customers that I saw. Nobody seemed to have their panties in a wad about it like you seem to. Stopped by Mountain Rambler to get a growler filled. Same thing there. It’s really not a big deal.
Unfortunately, much of this mask order routine seems political and grandstanding from one county to another. When the facts are business owners can make their own choices, the counties don’t need to have an unenforceable order which has to be enforced by law enforcement who have enough to do without this liberal virus panic routine being set up in counties with very small populations and a large amount of remote govt. lands everywhere. People can read the article at about why wearing a mask may increase your chance of lung problems and infections. This mask order seems ridiculous when not many other counties with large populations have this order and other counties and states that border don’t.
What a joke. Funny thing is dr richardson couldn’t think of anything on his own. What a waste of money his salary is. Time to cut their losses and contract Dr Boo also. Why wait for dr richardson to repeat what Dr Boo says. Cut the middle man out!!
Charles James, I looked up the codes referenced on the header and that code is “resisting an executive officer” which is punishable by up to three years in jail. Does this sound like a just punishment for violation of their order?
I have seen and worked with these credentialed people, it would be nice to have physicians that had much experience through these types of viruses. They are much wiser. Ive spent over 30 years in medicine, I’ve seen many many changes. The most frustrating are the people that google stuff. Most don’t even know what the terminology means. I think its best not to take chances, what would it hurt, someone’s pride or makeup? I’m not on either side, it’s a matter of survival and helping others survive. The government is what it is. Not a lot you can do about it. If you protest something, make sure you know precisely what you’re protesting, I think people should stand up for the right things. Mandatory masks and social distancing isn’t a bad thing. Washing your hands as well. It’s a good idea, while we’re at it, you shouldn’t wear lotions or lip balm, because viruses, especially airborne ones, which they say this is, will adhere to the stickiness. Nobody’s mentioned that. This is a requirement I taught in the lab. Think about that one.
Or what? You say this is a mandate so what is the punishment for disobedience?
Well, it’s listed there in the “Order” on page 4:
12) Pursuant to Sections…, the Health Officer requests that the Sheriff and chiefs of police in all cities located in the Inyo County Public Health jurisdictions ensure compliance with and enforcement of the this Order. The violation of any provision of this Order constitutes an imminent threat and menace to public health, constitutes a public nuisance, and is punishable fine, imprisonment or both.”
Our local law enforcement agencies have already stated that they will enforce the law.
I’d love to have these people blasting our local Health Officers and Physicians list their credentials and experience with public health. I’m assuming in most cases the list would be rather short and comprise of “internet search expert.” These people are in these positions for a reason. They have gone to school for this very reason for probably a decade or more and worked directly in healthcare for much longer than you’ve spent searching google for a spin on what you want to hear. Our local physicians don’t want this anymore than you do. They’re not making money at this time by not seeing their normal round of patients. So how is this a power grab for them if they’re not benefitting also? it’s just what you want to think benefits your political opinion. Quite frankly you’re not an expert and this is not a political event it’s a public health issue and nothing else. Kudos and applause for you medical workers and people out their caring about the health and well being of our community. Unfortunately we ll always have these posts from people who think they know more than people who are highly educated and trained in healthcare but it’s just background noise we’ll get through this and ignore the nonsense like everything else
Evidence has shown that many of us could unknowingly be carrying the virus. Even though the majority of us would recover from covid if infected, there are still many in the community who would not. The last thing I would want to do is unknowingly pass on the virus to someone else who may become very sick, or worse. So I will do my best to be respectful of my friends, my neighbors, and my community by wearing a mask as outlined in this order. In my mind this is just the right thing to do, with, or without an order.
I’m with you Charles…………I’m sure I don’t have the virus, but I’m NOT willing to bet someone else’s life on it.
Another good example of local government tyranny. There is no evidence to support the utility of wearing facial covering in the open air as a prevention of virus infection. Richardson is only another power hungry but obsolete person, as are most medical practitioners in Bishop.
Sean, you should join The Movement’s protest against this tyranny! How dare the deep state medical cabal mandate we wear something! Communists!!! Don’t people know that all face coverings – yes ALL OF THEM – will kill us!?? Especially if we stop breathing!!! (Except for any Asian population or medical professionals – they have been anti-vaxxed against not breathing and can wear masks without dying usually because they are so power hungry). While you’re at it, you should protest this nazi policy of being required to wear any clothing whatsoever! THEY CAN’T MAKE US WEAR PANTS WE HAVE RIGHTS!!!!!! #areyouawakeyet???
How can you be a communist and nazi at the same time? Just asking!
A perfect 10 Patriot! You checked a few more boxes this time. Plus some extra credit for the “No Pants”! Those No Shoes, No Shirts, No Service signs will likely be updated to include No Masks, but something tells me they’ll forget to mention the pants. It’s getting hot and I think you are on to something!
See David Dennison – Patriot’s not so bad. There is so much heaviness right now, it’s nice to have a laugh and not take ourselves too seriously.
I appreciate those commenters that offer a thoughtful perspective, possible solutions to a problem, something to think about, or laughter. We cannot go back to the way things were before Covid 19. It has upended and affected everyone’s life in one way or another. Now is the time to be resilient and creative in moving forward. Another commentor said it best that this is a community and a public health issue, not a political issue. In a small community, we can really keep it that way. Now is the time to care for each other and share ideas how to keep everyone safe. To share and brainstorm on solutions that different businesses are looking at in order to reopen.
I quit a stable job and started working for myself just weeks before all of this started. I’ve been fortunate that I can provide some of my services by phone and remotely, but not all. In looking at reopening masks and wiping down all touched surfaces after each person seems obvious. (For most work, I only have one person in the office at a time) I’ll be asking clients to remove their shoes at the door and providing a shoe bench I can wipe down near the coat rack. They will also be asked to immediately wash their hands. I will be clear about this upfront and if it offends them, then I am not the person for them to see and they can seek service elsewhere.
Yet some of my work involves small groups of people and I am still trying to figure out when and how I will be able to restart that in a safe way.
I would love to see the Chamber of Commerce taking more of a leadership role in helping businesses reopen safely. Helping them to connect and share “safe practice” ideas and creative solutions in order to reopen. Retail is going to be very different than a motel and very different from a private office. Maybe they can help network and share ideas from similar businesses across the nation in other towns to see what is working elsewhere. To be fair to the local Chambers of Commerce, I am not a member, so it’s possible this is already going on and maybe it’s a service they are providing for their members and I am just unaware. But I just haven’t seen or heard much from them in the local media during this crisis.
And back to the face mask issue. Most people don’t want to wear them (like how Patriot here feels about pants). I think most people understand that you don’t need to wear one if you are out walking your dogs or jogging on our many trails and roads. Likewise, if you are on a hike with your friends, I leave it you. But if you are in a store or even outside in a group of people, be safe and be considerate.
And I get it if Sean wants to remain anonymous. Unfortunately, in a small town we can sometimes be judged by the bumper stickers on our vehicles. However, I would ask that Sean use his education and expertise to offer us some of his ideas and possible solutions in this post-Corona virus world.
Be Safe everyone and remember to laugh every now and then.
Where did you get your Medical Degree Sean ?
@stop non essential: I got my degree at UCSF both in medicine and epidemiology. I have worked on four continents among communities suffering highly infectious diseases. Being outdoors in the mountains with fresh air is probably the safest place to be rather than being stifled by a useless piece of cloth. In my opinion Richardson is ill informed or ( more likely ) , wanting be seen as a savior. Same applies to Drs Boo and Brown.
If, as you say, you have a degree in medicine and epidemiology, please consider sharing your real full name so that your credentials to make the judgements that you have of Dr. Brown, Dr. Richardson, and Dr. Boo can be compared and evaluated by others. Otherwise, your opinion counts for little under a pseudonym.
Sierra Wave and our communities in Inyo and Mono counties, trust and rely on the education, experience, character and judgement of these good doctors, all of whom have very good, solid reputations, and BTW, don’t include being “ill-informed,” or having a “savior complex.” To the contrary, these doctors are well-liked, highly respected and trusted by the communities-at-large that they serve, as well as by patients and those with whom they work alongside. Can the same be said of you? Will you allow us to know your real name so that we can compare your experience, credentials, expertise and reputation to theirs? We would be happy to share it with our readers and listeners. After all, according to your comments, you are the one who might well be “our savior.”
The crickets are deafening.
Re-read the order Sean. It clearly states that wearing a mask, along with hand-washing, and physical distancing MAY reduce the risk of transmission and exposure. When physical distancing with others outside of your home is not possible then wear a mask. It’s not local tyranny, good god, the drama. You can “be out in the open air” without a mask if you can maintain physical distancing from others. Impressive that you’ve worked on four continents in communities with highly infectious diseases. Were these novel? What are your recommendations, then, for preventing transmission of Covid-19. Please step up to the plate and tell us what we need to know. it seems that someone with your education and background would want to support the health and safety of the community rather than slam the medical providers who are face-to-face with the public on a daily basis and who have the balls to take action.
So we should ignore all the public health officials and instead listen to “Sean” because he’s the real expert. Got it.
You don’t have to be a doctor to have common sense. But you cannot be a Democrat to have common sense.
As of today, The White House has directed all West Wing staff to wear masks at all times in the building, except when they are at their own desks.