Inyo County 2023 Volunteer Recognition

photo Jen Roeser


Dozens of community members from Bishop to Lone Pine were recently honored by the County of Inyo for their volunteerism with Health & Human Services’ various programs.

In observance of National Volunteer Appreciation Week April 16-22, 2023, Inyo County HHS hosted an appreciation dinner on April 19 to recognize and express gratitude to more than 100 residents for their volunteer work with Aging & Social Services, Public Health & Prevention, and Behavioral Health. It was noted that each day, these community members selflessly give of their time and perform extraordinary acts of service to help provide essential assistance to both senior citizen and youth populations.

The annual event was attended this year by Supervisors Jeff Griffiths, Trina Orrill, Scott Marcellin, and Jennifer Roeser along with County Administrative Officer Nate Greenberg.
“Our fantastic Health & Human Services department and its incredible staff help improve the lives of our citizens on a daily basis. Whether it’s providing meals and visits to senior citizens or safe and loving homes for displaced youth.

This challenging work wouldn’t be possible without the selfless contributions of dedicated community volunteers,” said Supervisor Griffiths, a former longtime foster parent. “We’re truly blessed to have so many individuals and families so generously stepping up to help care for the wellbeing of our most vulnerable neighbors.”

Following are those individuals and families recognized for their dedication and generosity:
Aging & Social Services
Kathleen Schuck
Roger Rasche
Sharyle Jarvis
Joyce Owen
Heidi Dougherty
Kelli Davis
Patti Hamic-Christsensen
Sandra Lund
Trina Orrill
Becky Manross
Bill Hines
Chris Tomazin
Janice Mitchell
Margaret Erbeck
Pat Thueson
Rachel Lober
Sonja Spry
Terry Calsadilles
Warren Allsup

Resource Family Approval Program
Adam and Courtney Routt
April Jones
Bonnie Amisone
Christy Morton
Connie Caton
Danielle and Jordan Rose
David and Yolanda Hinson
Debra Fimbres and Sydney Ariaz
Freda Lindsay
Jason Forehand and Lidia Schultz
Jessica and Richard Dondero
Kathleen Stout
Kelly and Taylor Ludwick
Latisha Cyrus and Gabriel Gutierrez
Lynn Monteverde
Mary Gomez
Mary Ann Velasquez
Natalie and William Jauregui
Rick Klug
Shelby and Wesley Pracht
Sherry Kriescher
Sheila Ariaz
Skyler and Jerid Kupleian
Steven and Abby Veenker
Wanda Hodgkinson
Winubi Shaw and Chasity Snoderly
Whitney Rose Parson
Mentor Program
Alex Quezada
Andrew Whitehouse
Betsy McDonald
Connie Morrison
Cori Stearns
Dana Whitehouse
Daya Sepsey
Emilee Norcross
Eryn Clark
Gretchen Skrotzki
Harold McDonald
Kyle Greenhalgh
Larry Freilich
Laura Turner
Lowell Prange
Maggie Egan
Mark Bir
Meryl Picard
Nichole Villanueva
Ryan Howard
Tabitha Warner
Youth Coalition
18 Youth
Behavioral Health
Serena Renda
Deanna Campbell

Inyo County HHS is additionally thanking the community members who volunteered to staff the Inyo County Public Health Mass Vaccination Clinics throughout 2021. Their willingness to give their time allowed for 6,154 people to receive their COVID-19 vaccines.

Each of the following volunteers performed their role exceptionally:
Aaron Burkholder, Amy Wicks, Andrew Chambers, Andrew Robson, Angela Kirkpatrick, Ashley Fitt, Benjamin Mitchell, Brandon Fitt, Brian Spitek, Bryan Mack, Christine Iversen, Debborah Morales, Grace Voorheis, Gregory Corliss, Ian Bell, Jennifer DeBellis, Jon Turner, Kari Castle, Kate Morley, Kerry Lozito, Lynn Lippincott, Marie Boyd, Marie Fitt, Mark Watson, Martin “Marty” Hornick, Michael DiBenedetto, Noam Shendar, Noelle Houpt, Paula Sayer,
Paulette Buff-Román, Rachel Leiterman, Ryan Christensen, Scott Volmerding, Sean O’Toole, Tamara Cohn, Tim Golden, Todd Townsend, Todd Vogel, Wayne Sayer, Zachary Pritchard, Amber Arnsten, Clay Wilson, Crystal Lopez, Dakira Ensminger, Darrin Pagenkopp, Heleen Welvaart, Jeffrey Kroll, Karen Brorson, Kathleen Carmical, Landon Gilbertson, Laura Smith, Marjoree Neer, Mike Brorson, Natalia Chang, Tracy Aspel.

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