Zachary Carr of Idaho
(press release)
Mono County Sheriff’s Deputies conducted a routine traffic stop on northbound Hwy 395 in the community of Coleville for a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed. When deputies approached the vehicle, both driver and passenger acted suspiciously when asked by deputies for their identification, registration and proof of insurance. Both the driver, Zachary Carr, age 32, of Pocotello, ID, and passenger, Geoffrey Guess, age 26, told deputies they didn’t have their identification with them and “must have left it at home.”
Mr. Carr was asked to turn off the engine and to step out of the vehicle. Mr. Carr complied with the deputies’ request and exited the vehicle. As deputies were questioning Mr. Carr, the passenger, Geoffrey Guess, climbed into the driver’s seat of the vehicle and sped away. As deputies were trying to safely secure Mr. Carr in the back of the patrol unit, Mr. Carr became uncooperative. Deputies were finally able to detain Mr. Carr in the back of the patrol unit. Due to Mr. Carr being detained, and the high rate of speed at which the fleeing vehicle was traveling, Mono County Sheriff’s Dispatch put out an alert to Nevada law enforcement and Douglas County Sheriff’s Deputies initiated the pursuit.
Upon further questioning, Mr. Carr stated that he was helping Mr. Guess flee law enforcement out of Utah. Mr. Carr knew Mr. Guess was a fugitive and was aiding in taking him to Southern California to prevent him from being arrested. Mr. Carr also stated that he had recently consumed methamphetamine.
Zachary Carr, age 32, of Pocotello, ID, was arrested for aiding a fugitive; evading a peace officer; and being under the influence of a controlled substance. Mr. Carr is currently in custody at the Mono County Jail with all charges pending with the Mono County District Attorney’s Office.
Geoffrey Guess, age 26, led Douglas County Sheriff’s Deputies and Nevada Highway Patrol on a high speed pursuit (with speeds over 100 mph) through Carson City, NV, and Reno, NV. Mr. Guess was able to escape the Nevada Highway Patrol in Reno and is currently still at large. Mr. Guess has a Class III felony warrant out of Utah and a misdemeanor warrant out of Kings County and is suspected to be dangerous. Mr. Guess was driving a 2013 Silver Hyundai sedan with California license plate 6VRP791. The vehicle has been recovered but law enforcement is still searching for Mr. Guess. If anyone has any information on the location of Mr. Guess, please contact your local law enforcement agency immediately.
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FYI…the above “Seriously?” took my screen name….that was not my posting. Make up your own screen name!
I apologize. I did not realize that anyone was using it. I won’t use it again.
Roy, many ,many years ago, you very,very, rarely ever heard of an officer shooting an un-armed man, or woman or DOG, and if it did happen ,usually that officer was looking for a new job afterwords. Nowadays, all the officer has to do is say the catch-all phrase “I was in fear of my life” and it all goes away. I am NOT cop-bashing…I AM saying that there is zero accountability (outside of financial compensation for the family) when it comes to an officer using deadly force when it is not warranted. Today’s cops are better trained, better equipped, and better educated, but you know as well as I do ,that the number of officer involved shootings recently,especially the questionable ones, by FAR exceed anything that you ever experienced when you were on the job.
Rick….Nowdays,especially in Florida,all ANYONE has to say is “they were in fear for his life” before pulling out the pistol and open firing….even on unarmed teen-agers….worked out well for George Zimmerman….opened up a web-site asking for money from people to pay his rent and bills…..and getting it….selling phoney paintings on e-bay for $100,000…..and getting it…getting young women calling and wanting to be his girlfriend….national media exposure,paid interviews,televised boxing matches scheduled…..all he had to do is play cop,follow and stalk a kid coming home from a store,confront him,get the worst of the fight,pull his pistol,kill the kid…and now he’s a star….a Florida star.
Rick,,, I must agree there have been many bad unjustified shooting in recent years across the country and in many of those cases the officers have been tried and in some cases convicted of murder…I think one of the major problems is that the hiring standards have gone down the toilet, it has almost gotten to the point if you can walk and chew gum at the same time your qualified…When I got hired with LASD 45 years ago you had to have a overall score of 90% to be hired… Years later that was dropped to 65% and the troubles began…LASD dropped their standards so low that they began hiring people that had prior gang affiliations and prior arrest and look at the problems LASD have had the past few years.. Sadly this problem is all over the country and depts nationwide need to get back to having stringent hiring standards and not hire people that have admitted to prior drug use, gang affiliations and questionable arrest in their past…
As someone who spent 30 years as a cop, half on the streets of Southern Calif, I can’t help[ but feel there were serious tactical errors in this traffic stop….
Roy, is it true they used to be allowed to shot fleeing felons?
Many many years ago it was legal to shoot a fleeing felon, but you darn well better be able to justify that the felon was a immediate danger to the public.
Thanks for your response Seriously? It Has nothing to do with taking it personal. That’s another assumption of yours with no supporting facts. If you must know I am in the fishing and tourism industry and have a minimal knowledge of “contact and cover” as you say. But with some refreshers of COPS episode I’m sure I can find out what that is. And some clarification could shine a little light on the subject. But I’ll play your game since you seem know so much more than I. Based on the press release the one outside the car became uncooperative. Could that have drawn the cover officers attention to assisting his partner Giving the other guy a second to make a break for it? I think your right about the keys being removed from the vehicle. But in true Monday-morning quarterback fashion as is the case with everything the cops seem to do, anyone can woulda coulda shoulda the scenario til the Broncos win the Super Bowl. I’ll still stand with until you or I are in the same exact scenario, it is not safe to assume anything.
Great police work guys and gals. I am happy to see you all stopping cars because eventually, maybe the bad guys will avoid Mono County when the word gets out that Sheriff Scholl’s style of “do nothing” is over. When I see cops working, I know I am getting what my tax dollars should be doing. A few weeks ago, I saw a convict crew picking up trash on Crowley Lake drive. That is great. Keep up the good work.
No kidding every stop can turn deadly….. that was my point thanks for making it again! That is why officer safety rules are in place and from the press release from the Mono County Sheriff’s Department, it does not sound like they were followed. If you can read, I asked for clarification of the situation.
I also have been on a lot of traffic stops, so maybe you should take your own advice and not assume that I haven’t.
Seems to me like someone is taking this personal, let me guess why!
Maybe someone should have taken the keys out of the ignition while this questioning was going on. If they had, there probably wouldn’t be a felon still at large. Contact and Cover…. I am sure you have heard of it 🙂 Guess I do know what I am talking about.
I heard they put out spike strips after the car already went bye. Next to the Mayberry sign.
Job description for a LEO, damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
Since this story says “deputies”multiple times, I think it is safe to assume one of them must not have been doing his job of covering the passenger. This could have turned deadly in a heartbeat!
Benett could you please get some clarification of the whole situation? I would like to know how many patrol cars and which deputies were present when this incident occurred. Or at least how many deputies that were there as this scene unfolded. Thanks 🙂
Seriously?, Every traffic stop or call for service a Deputy or Officer does could turn deadly in a heartbeat. And unless you’ve been in their shoes, in the exact same situation, its NOT safe to assume anything. Your hasty uninformed judgment is solely based on the plural form of the word in a press release. I think its safe to assume you have no idea what your talking about.
Just to get this straight: A Carr was speeding in a car and was pulled over. Then another guy by the name of Guess claimed, who claimed that he had no proof of identification sped off. “Guess” we will have to wait for the final results of this speeding “Carr” incident.
Ditched the highway patrol in Reno. Drove right through Carson and Reno and lost them. Holy cow! That is a sad commentary on the Nevada Highway Patrol.
MR.TORTOISE_it happens more than you think.I remember hearing of a story right here in your own backyard a couple years ago,near the reststop,I think it’s called cerro coso,where a big duelly truck was being chased with two occupants and a dog at night.the truck hit the dirt roads,crashed and over-turned.and the two occupants took off on foot,along with the dog.and got away.maybe the law knew who they were and got em the next day.
This is completely different. This guy drove right through two major cities, presumably on freeways with NHP in pursuit and lost them. Having seen my share of chases south of the San Gabriels, losing a suspect in a chase of that length does not even seem possible. I could see maybe losing a cop if you can ditch them in the first 15-30 seconds, but if the cops are still on your tail after a minute, you should never get away. The longer the chase goes, the more sheriffs deputies, local cops and highway patrol cars join the chase, then the aircraft arrive over head. Down south there are chases that cross multiple chases, but CHP will be right there until the suspect crashes, runs out of gas or they bump them off the road with the PITT maneuver. NHP really blew this one.
Desert Tortoise…..maybe they called the chase off if he were going 100+ MPH through city streets,and not taken the chance of innocent drivers getting involved in a crash….seems Law Enforcement does that at times if it gets too dangerous,especially if they know who he is,and just a matter of time before he’s caught.In Oregon,back in the 90’s,there once was a high speed pursuit through the city streets,and one of those over-zelous Oregon State Policemen(which many of them are up there) did a PIT on the vehicle going 80+ MPH,and what it did was take out the vehicle they were pursuing,along with a crash that involved a couple other vehicles and major injuries to the drivers and passengers….it’s not as if Law Enforcement needs to stop the vehicle at all costs.Many times,the more Law Enforcement vehicles that get involved in the chase,the faster the bad guy goes….and sometimes,when they back-off,the bad guy slows down,and ends up stopping and taking off on foot.I once saw a vehicle pursuit up close and personal,again in Oregon,and it’s a scary thing to be around,and a major tragedy waiting to happen to innocent drivers on the highway….or,as in this case,a city street,and maybe pedestrians.If that was a reason this guy got away…..for now…..it was a good call by NHP.