UCEOC, Mammoth Hospital and Mono County Health Officer, Dr. Boo Conduct Community Meeting Today (April 23)

Join representatives from the Unified Command Emergency Operations Center, Mammoth Hospital and Mono County Health Officer, Dr. Boo, this Thursday, April 23 beginning at 5:30 p.m. in a community conversation to learn more about the spread of the coronavirus, the ongoing response and the path forward for Mono County.

Topics for this week’s community conversation include: 

  1. What needs to happen for Mono County to go back to normal & what should the public expect?
  2. Testing – current, rapid and antibody testing along with an update on Mammoth Hospital operations
  3. Fishing Season
  4. Recreation – parks, trails, USFS, campgrounds (dispersed camping), pass openings, Lakes Basin/Reds Meadow
  5. Information for essential workers, local business support and how to cover up!

This is your opportunity to ask questions that matter to you, your family and the business community.

Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device anywhere across the entire County or community of Mammoth Lakes.

5:30 p.m. English Meeting Details:

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