dispersed camping


The Eastern Sierra Continuum of Care coordinated a Point-in-Time Count of people experiencing homelessness in Alpine, Inyo, and Mono Counties on the night of February 23, 2022. Community volunteers and homeless service providers conducted surveys throughout the tri-county region to better understand the nature of homelessness in communities.

The information collected in the Count also helps the Continuum develop and implement effective strategies to reduce the extent and duration of homelessness in the Eastern Sierra.

Highlights from the Count:
 140 people were found to be experiencing homelessness the night of February 23, 2022. That
represents a 24 percent decrease from the 184 counted in 2020.
 68 percent of those counted were unsheltered — sleeping in tents, vehicles, or on the street.
32 percent were sheltered and staying in hotels/motels or transitional housing.
 While there were fewer people counted this year than in 2020, there were increases in the
number of children (82%), chronically homeless (11%), and people fleeing domestic
violence (22%).
 46 percent were sleeping in vehicles on the night-of-the-count, supporting the ongoing need
for a safe place to park with access to basic hygiene, resources, and security.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development requires that Continuums of Care
conduct a biennial count of persons experiencing homelessness to receive funding for their
assistance programs. The data also supports local governments and organizations in their
program planning and budgeting for the coming year.

The Eastern Sierra Continuum of Care is a coalition of service providers in Alpine, Inyo and
Mono Counties dedicated to ending the cycle of homelessness. CoC stakeholders provide street
outreach, emergency shelter, transitional housing, permanent supportive housing, rapid
rehousing, and other types of assistance to individuals and families experiencing homelessness.

A full report of the 2022 Point-In-Time count is available at https://www.easternsierracoc.org.

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