Inyo County saw a dramatic surge in COVID-19 cases, most reportedly infected at through association with residents and employees of the Bishop Care Center. Between August 1 and August 3, Inyo County has seen an increase of thirteen (13) new COVID-19 cases, bringing the cumulative Inyo County number of total case numbers over the past five months to 64. At this time, three (3) positive COVID-19 patients are hospitalized, including two in critical condition. Aside from the concern over the health of those infected, there is worry that the state will  roll-back hard-earned progress in reopening businesses and the economy in Inyo County.

Following is the latest news release from Inyo County on the latest surge:

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The question for months has been, was Inyo County somehow exempt from always, is this the surge that everyone has been anticipating for months. If nothing else, the circumstances behind the significant increase of 13 cases over the weekend,


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