Mammoth Lakes Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a formal debate with all 8 candidates. The event will also be broadcast live on Channel 18 and will be available to watch on Granicus. (
On Wednesday, April 30th, the Rotary Club of Mammoth Lakes will host a Forum for the candidates in the four contested offices in the Mono County June 3, 2014 primary election.
The Forum will be held in Suite Z of the Minaret Village Mall (Vons shopping center) from 5:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. The public is invited to attend. For those unable to attend in person, the forum will be broadcast on local channel 18 and webcast through the Town of Mammoth Lakes website ( Follow the links for Agendas and Minutes, Live Streaming Agendas and Minutes, and Upcoming Events. The forum will also be available for later viewing on the same web site.
The elections in Mono County this year include two county-wide positions; Sheriff and Assessor as well as two Supervisorial seats in District 1 and District 5. The candidates will provide general statements and respond to questions selected by the Rotary forum team. Members of the public may submit questions for consideration to Bill Taylor at [email protected] no later than Monday, April 28, 2014 at 5:00 p.m.
Plan on attending in person or watching on television or webcast to learn about the backgrounds and platforms of the candidates for these vital county positions.
Please join us on April 30th and remember to vote on June 3rd.
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No comment Skip? Guess Obenberger’s true colors came out once again! It is pretty bad that a Superior Court Judge is appalled by his actions!
Bye bye Obe and 6W!
I’ll comment on that! The “no comment” issue is for subject matter that cannot be legally commented on. For example; why was Braun let go? He can’t legally comment on that, so you will hear “no comment”. However, you will hear the same or similar answer when you ask her, the difference is she can comment on it, but won’t!
As for the litigation, the person who was “personally responsible” no longer works for the department. If you are wondering who that might be, go to Braun’s website, she has listed him as an endorsement! To have him as an endorsement shows her ignorance of the department and its history! The damage he caused over the years is hunting the department even in his absences. And let’s not forget the other person responsible for this case, the pervious Sheriff. Between the two, the department didn’t have a chance.
Neither you nor Braun have a clue what has happen in the past vs. the great work Obenberger has done from day one as Sheriff of Mono County. I obviously don’t know who you are, but if you are a past employee, I feel your pain. I assure you it’s a much different department under Sheriff Obenberger. That crap that happen back then with those other guys would never happen today!
In fact, both the Deputy Sheriffs and the Public Safety Officers associations are publicly backing Sheriff Obenberger. That has not happen in many decades if at all! If the employees want him to continue to be Sheriff then he is doing right by them!
That is the funniest thing I have read since his last “no comment” statement!
He knows it is best for him to keep his mouth shut and say no comment, so no one can question him about it later. Funny when he does talk he brags about living in Mono County 14 years. Wow there is an accomplishment!
Then he claims that he doesn’t believe in stats yet he quotes the only stat he really has that arrests are up from the 2012-2013 year every chance he gets. It is even in his meet and greet flyer.
Funny he never discusses all the litigation he personally is responsible for. Making the Mono County taxpayers liable for millions of dollars!
Yeah he is so smart Skip!
Yeah Skip, you should be his PR rep. Good BS.
Ob will hands down win any debate between them. He is a much smarter and better public speaker than Braun. That would be good!
Is there going to be a debate between Obenberger and Braun? I would love to see it. Can you please check for us. Thanks.