Bishop Tribe Council 2Bishop Tribal Council Chair 2


On Thursday, August 11th, 2022, during the regular Bishop Paiute Tribal Council meeting, two new community members were sworn onto the Bishop Tribal Council. Meryl Picard  and Mitchell David took their Oath of Office, after being elected at the Tribe’s General Election on July 12th.

Both, Meryl Picard and Mitchell David, were elected to four-year terms and current Council members Jeff Romero, Steven Orihuela and Joyce White all have two years remaining on their terms.

The meeting started with the recognition of outgoing Chairman Tilford Denver and Council member Allen Summers Sr. for their many years of dedicated service to the community.

The meeting concluded with the election of Tribal Officers. Meryl Picard was elected as the new Tribal Chairwoman; Jeff Romero was re-elected as Vice-Chair and Steven Orihuela was re-elected
as Secretary/Treasurer.

Also, during the meeting, Earleen Williams took the Oath of Office as Bishop Paiute Tribes new Toiyabe Indian Health Project Representative and Emma Williams took the Oath of Office as the
new Inter-Tribal Council Representative

The Bishop Tribal Council members are the elected governing officials for the Bishop Paiute Tribe, as elected by the voting members of the Bishop Paiute Tribe.

The Bishop Paiute Tribe is a federally recognized Indian Tribe located on its 879-acre Bishop Paiute Reservation in Inyo County, California. The Reservation was formed under Congressional Act 5299, P.L. No. 43 of April 20, 1937. The Tribe is committed to the well-being of its people.

For more information, please contact the Bishop Paiute Tribe at (760) 873-3584.

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