By Charles James

July 1 was a free fishing day in California and dozens of anglers, young and old took advantage of it at the Big Pine Fishing Derby which was held on Saturday, July 1.

Mike Piper with family from Keeler won big with $600 Blind Bogey and Adult 3rd Place Largest Total … All photos courtesy of Charles James

Anglers registered in the parking lot of Country Kitchen Restaurant starting at 6:30 a.m. before scattering around the county to catch (hopefully) a prize-winning trout. Those that didn’t pass out from the high triple-digit temperature during the day returned to the restaurant at 3:30 p.m. for the closing event, which featured lots and lots of prizes.

Cash prizes for the Biggest Trout and  Largest Total ranged from $50 up to $200 for Adults and Juniors. The event was capped with a $600 Blind Bogey won by Mike Piper of Keeler, who also won Third Place Largest Total.

The event was sponsored by the Big Pine American Legion Glacier Post 457  and the County of Inyo through its Community Grants Program.

Grandfather Dennis Schoenmeir attended fishing derby Bradley and Howie Liggatt with dog, Sadie

Rick Fields, Marilyn Mann and Richard Reel were busy handing out lots of prizes and prize money at Big Pine’s Fishing Derby.

Sandy Lund and Marilyn Mann with the Big Pine Civics Club arrived early to register anglers

Rick Fields, Doug Macurda and Nick Nersesian at Country Kitchen Restaurant, which hosted the event

Jesse Aquilera took home prizes for Adult-1st place Biggest Fish and 2nd Place-Largest Total

4th County District Supervisor Mark Tillemans congratulates Dana Vinciguerra of Huntington Beach. the proud winner of the Fishing Quilt Raffle.


Paul Kachirski of San Diego took Adult-1st Place Largest Total for $200 and $50 for 3rd Place for Largest Total

Ryan Marcinko from San Luis Obispo, taking home $100 prize for Adult 2nd place for biggest fish

Joshua Kachirski of San Diego won $200 for Junior 1st Place Largest Total.

Charles James of Big Pine won free chicken dinner at Country Kitchen.

Kelby Cherrick, 18, of Big Pine hauled in a big bass from Tinemaha Reservoir. Sadly, not a trout

Richard Reel raffling off hat from Reagan’s Sporting Goods of Bishop.

Petros Nazarian with ‘Nick’, age 10

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