Press Release
BISHOP, CA April 2, 2021—A contracting crew is grading Antelope Springs Road (Forest Road 3S05) near the Casa Diablo Geothermal Plant, located near the intersection with State
Route 203. Antelope Springs Road leads to numerous dispersed recreation opportunities on the east side of Hwy 395. Please note that there may be delays while the crew is working.
This work is taking place prior to and during construction of the Casa Diablo IV Geothermal project. The gravel access road segments will be graded and maintained to allow truck traffic to and from the site.
Grading will provide needed access to the plant site which will use the route which starts east of the 203 intersection with Highway 395; then to intersection of Antelope Springs Road; then to Old Highway 395; then joining again to Antelope Springs Road.
A map of the area is on the USFS website at: www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/fseprd899731.pdf
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