As usually reliable sources had predicted to Sierra Wave Media, Mammoth’s Town Manager Dave Wilbrecht has resigned and the Council appointed Assistant Town Manager Marianna Marysheva-Martinez to take over as Town Manager – both actions take effect in seven days.
After last night’s closed session of the Town Council, Mayor Matthew Lehman said that the Council had voted to accept Mr. Wilbrecht’s resignation and appointed Martinez. Asked why Wilbrecht resigned, the Mayor said, “I can’t say anything about Dave Wilbrecht.”
Mayor Lehman did answer questions about the actual Council vote on these matters. He said that the vote to accept Wilbrecht’s resignation was 4 to 1 with Mayor Pro Tem Rick Wood voting no. The vote to appoint Martinez was also 4 to 1 but this time it was Councilman John Eastman who voted no.
Why did the Council rapidly appoint Martinez without public discussion or recruitment of other applicants? Lehman said, “We’ve had an opportunity to work with her, and the majority of the Town Council was comfortable with her skill set.” Lehman said past candidates for Town Manager had not impressed him. “She is an outstanding candidate with strengths that outweigh weaknesses,” he said.
To comments that Martinez has a chilling effect on employees, Lehman said, “I don’t find that. She’s very direct and matter of fact. It’s a different leadership style.” Martinez will continue to make the same amount that she has made as Assistant Town Manager. Town Finance Department information said that her base salary is $208,000 and with PERS the amount equals nearly $245,000. She lives in a town-owned condo and receives travel expenses. Martinez’s permanent residence is in the South Pasadena area.
To public complaints that Martinez is not a local resident, the Mayor said that she will work in Mammoth four days per week and one day from home. He said, “She’s been very effective and she works far beyond eight hours. I receive texts and emails from her on town business late at night.”
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bring in someone from a successful ski town and have them clean up this disaster,its done with every failing business
It’s too late ferdinand –
the die has been cast.
Our number-cruncher has finally gotten the job she’s always wanted. And she will be allowed to do it from her home in Pasadena.
sheesh, the guy works for the town less then a year and they give him a nice fat severance package?
They had to, unless the council wanted yet another lawsuit on their hands. We all should have government and union jobs…
@ “Eastman” –
I wouldn’t be so quick to diss people who have chosen to be public servants. You’d be surprised to find just how many of them work their tails off day to day trying to keep people like you pleased and running local government the best they can. And their jobs are just as insecure as anybody else’s in today’s terrible economic times.
Very true. At this point, what is done is done. You do have dedicated employees who care about this Town. Lets support the few, remaining employees who are still there. Screw the politicians who know nothing about right or wrong – these politicians are so bad and out of touch, yet there is nothing we can do about them. But you do have a few remaining employees who love this Town.
Support them and in the next elections, vote for new blood in our political leadership. Lets move on from the Woods, Eastmans, Lehmans, Bacons – we have an incredible environment here in Mammoth – life will go on… lets move forward….
I know plenty of govt workers….not one has ever received a severance package! Nor a bonus for that matter. If he resigned, why was a severance package ‘required’? He terminated his own contract.
There should not have been a severance package unless there was some issue. The Times report some sort of burn out. I think that Council asked Wilbrect to do something unethical or potentially illegal. I also think Wilbrect had something on the council 150K worth.
I don’t think Fuller even got that much for her claims.
This is an outrage. I hope that there is a Grand Jury investigation here.
This crap will continue to happen unless someone pays the price. jail anyone?
This entire writing is the opinion of the Author
“They just saved you 300 thousand dollars a year.
It’s one of the best decisions the council has made”
No, John Starts –
The best decision the council should make is to realize the two who have been around since the Airport mess (and are STILL around) should resign immediately and replace them with a couple of people who have been there before, know the ropes and aren;t businessmen looking after their own interests or waiting for that next land development deal i.e., Kirk Stapp, Gregg Norby … there are many others who could make a difference in this very corrupt situation.
Why do I have an ill-feeling? Kind of like being kicked in the stomach.
What are you guys complaining about?
They just saved you 300 thousand dollars a year.
It’s one of the best decisions the council has made ever, and, it’s only the beginning.
Is everyone on this blog a town employee or what?
With MMM you will have to work and be accountable at your job.
25 years of bureaucracy and this is the best you can do?
The gravy train is over.
The boat has left the dock.
Should I go on?
Spaz has got be a town council hypocrite.
Nothing has been saved.
Especially the livelihood of half or our police force while MMM gets rich by “managing the town” from her home in Pasadena. Any little kid in grade school can learn how to crunch numbers and fire people. That is NOT the way to manage a town.
So let’s see you offer your expertise on the town finances. Put you money where your mouth is and get to work and ask that you’ll work for free while your at it. Good luck!
Well, I suppose she can fire people from the comfort of her home in Pasadena just as easily as she could from Mammoth.
Finally someone who is sensible on here. Thanks Spaz. I like you
I’m fairly confident “SkiJohn” is actually SkiJohn-Eastman.
All of this “making sense?” LOL
Haha, no, Makes No Sense, I’m not, but that’s pretty funny, I have to admit. I certainly don’t always side with council, and frankly I think Eastman and Wood are bumbling fools. After all, they are the ones who got us into this mess. I just get sick of the negativity on here and no one is willing to offer good suggestions, let alone run for office. I admire Jo, Lehman and Bagel Guy for stepping up to the plate. I wouldn’t in a million years. Next time, don’t vote for them and run yourself or encourage others to do so.
So it seems that everyone that likes what’s going on is a counsel member? FUnny, there must be many of us here… but wait, maybe we should also be paid for it.
SkiJohn is classic John Wentworth. What other “John” attends every Town Council meeting as SkiJohn has said in past posts on this site. Simple deduction.
In today’s Mammoth Times, Lehman quipped about how surprised everybody was upon Dave Wilbrecht’s resignation since he “had just signed a big contract with them.”
Now, take a moment and ponder that statement. Who in their right mind would “sign a big contract” then resign? I have personally seen this kind of organizational BS before. The powers that be, are taking tremendous heat from The People (I.e. ,why two town managers?). The heat is then heaped upon a fall guy (i.e. Wilbrecht) and then they wait for an opportunity to replace him with whom they believe would be The Golden Child to lead them out of the woods. This Golden Child has no qualms in firing people (policeman included) to save money. The Golden Child conveniently just happens to be hidden away and living elsewhere. The fall guy sensing future problems, gives the powers that be a heads-up (and a fair one at that) that this isn’t the only town that might appreciate his talents and this is what the powers that be have been waiting for and NOT extend his contract. As is with most employee buy-outs, the agreement is that the fired person never utters a word about any of this if they want out of the organization. Just saying …
And we’re complaining…. why they would hire a financial expert for a town that needs one? We should be jumping up and down that we have someone that will keep things straight. Now if she’s let go or resigns in a short period of time then maybe we have something to actually worry about. Everyone seems to think Dave was forced out yet there’s no actual proof of that. Jury by trial I guess!
All she has done is fire cops, and alienate good people, and declare (a long time ago) that she wanted the Town Manager’s job.
Sorry, SierraFan, this doesn’t make her any hero to me.
I agree. Lehman is barefaced lying to us that Wilbrecht signed a contract then surprised everybody by resigning (thus reneging on his contract) in search of greener pastures. I’ll bet Wilbrecht learned of his demise while recuperating on his vacation. The bozos on the town council (some who ran unopposed) have fallen hook, line and sinker for the Russian Princess’ line of B.S., liked the idea that she could fire people from afar, therefore putting up a B.S. smokescreen that the council had nothing to do with the firing of their neighbors. Dave Wilbrecht is surely the fall guy.
A 150k worth of silence.
Well said Spaz!
Say what you want. Whine away. Be outraged. Be disgusted.
But the fact remains, We the People are at the total mercy of:
Two councilmen who were around since the Hot Creek travesty (and are still around)
A new mayor who is in the business of land development
Two others who had nobody running against them.
The qualifications needed for their absolute power?
They either got the most votes or ran unopposed.
Assemble a key staff of people as interim councilmen and immediately recall the existing council
Sean…Wouldn’t that be a slippery-slope,telling people where they can and cannot live,based on where they are employed ?
No slippery slope here, All they need to say is that the Job of Manager is a full time position that requires that person to be in the office on a regular basis 5 days a week.
Could be slippery, why not just make her work mon-fri 8-5, and don’t give her a free condo or any travel allowance, like a normal employee. She can spend saturday and sunday wherever she pleases.
I think she should be required to live full time in Mammoth now.
As much as that sounds like the right thing to do, it’s not in the cards at this point. Who knows, maybe she’ll be a temporary fix or maybe she has plans for a future move. It’s best not to speculate but you never know.
Here’s that “temporary fix” from MMM’s “leadership” agenda. – Fire policemen.
“Please stay on the line, and the next available officer may be able to assist you.”
Four day a week is more than 50%. Seeing it is more then 50% of the time time it is full time. She is here full time
No one person is to blame, but I think it is tragic that our community is having so much of its material wealth siphoned off to investors who bet on a lawsuit and won. And outsourcing what used to be a key role in the community, the Town Manager position, to an individual who resides here on a temporary basis and lives elsewhere. It is very disheartening.
wow,no chanca for the public to vote?w.t.f.
Nope this is not something that is up to a public vote. However I do think that an appointment like this should have had public input. If so then what was done was wrong.
Nothing new for this town.
Ok, so let me get this straight…..
Mammoth Lakes 2012 “Person Of The Year” all of the sudden resigns, and with no reason why?!
Then, they appoint a NON-LOCAL making $250k/year, living in employee housing to take his spot!!!
This is an outrage. >:O
Be as outraged as you want.
There is nothing anybody can do about what is happening in Mammoth.
Well …
there is a recall option, but it is doubtful anybody wants to take the time to draw up a petition.
The town is going down the drain and taking cops, good people, falling property values …
Be happy they hired someone willing to step in and shoulder the challenging decisions. We’d all like a perfect situation of plenty of money, everyone employed, a town manager that EVERYONE likes but it’s not possible! Who knows, maybe Dave didn’t actually want to stay in a town that questions his every move! His passion! His efforts!, Etc….!! Would you?
Sorry SierraFan,
but the only “thumbs up” you’ll see on your post would be the Town Council members who read this blog.
MMM has pulled the wool over the eyes of only the Town Council.
What a disgrace and injustice to a good man (Wilbrecht).
I get it and expect it! Most here are only here to complain behind the blog name and wouldn’t want their actual identity to be known in public as an opposing party. It’s the way it is.
Best spin is a form of propaganda ever!
We should park a Gulfstream at Ontario to make the commute to Mammoth more fun for our new admin.
Now that’s kind of funny!!
If there is a petition to recall the town council, please post it on this website.
A petition can be obtained from the town clerk, and must be signed in person by registered voters. Complaining on a website won’t do a thing.
Exactly, those that want this done should show up in person and put it out there and stop hiding behind a blog.
I think SierraFan (who is clearly a devoted fan of MMM) might be surprised at the growing support calling for a recall of our bogus councilmen really is.
It’s the only power our “Democratic process” gives us.
I’ll sign any petition anytime, any place. And it starts at the town clerk’s office.
I just have common sense folks! Not a relative, not a troll (lolol), just someone with common sense!
We are doomed! This is a plan to crash the town by puttingg MMM in charge. Could it get any worse?
The saddest part of all is there is absolutely nothing anybody can do about this travesty.
And the town council knows it.
Apathy abounds in this community.
Really?? Do you think they would actually crash the town on purpose??
No. They wouldn’t ruin the town on purpose. The Town Council simply knows one thing … they are the ultimate bosses and they don’t have to know how to manage anything.
Kinda like when Wood and Eastman thought the Hot Creek thing was a great idea.
So what you’re saying is that others do what you do? Is that what your view would be in their position? Be realistic and give them more credit than that.
SierraFan = TOML paid Troll
Are you a relative of one of the councilmen, SierraFan?
Or are you one of those fools yourself?
Ay carumba!
Even the town manager’s job has been outsourced!
Get MMM out of the town-owned condo…why can’t she rent from a local condo owner?
And quit the late night texts to Town Council….what is so important that it cannot wait until morning anyway….please!….is that something to be proud of?….it shows lack of time management and an unbalanced lifestyle, not leadership.
Rick and John, nice “planned” no vote from each of you…..oh, brother!
Familygal, I for one am happy that she works past 5pm! She gets paid for the job and not the hour she puts in. Be happy that we’re paying her and she actually works!
A thousand pardons, but only MMM knows what she does at home in Pasadenda while “running the town.”
Be realistic! Do you think a woman in this position would screw off at home knowing all that’s at stake? Or is that what you do and accuse others of it?
@ SierraFan
MMM is the mother of two little daughters. Perhaps a nanny takes care of them while she “manages” our town from Pasadena.
I never thought I would agree with Eastman, but MMM is absolutely horrible for this town and the community. To quote Lehman, different skill set, i.e. B*tch with tact.
The only reason why Eastman voted no is because he knew the rest of the council were voting yes and he wanted to look good in the public eye. It’s all a game with Wood and Eastman. If they get voted back in next time around, I’m moving. I’m not completely opposed to MMM – at least she is familiar with our silly little town. Maybe she’ll lighten up since her management style has been under scrutiny lately.
Hi Jenn,
Do you actually know here personally?
By their deeds you shall know them.