mltc2-6largeAs usually reliable sources had predicted to Sierra Wave Media, Mammoth’s Town Manager Dave Wilbrecht has resigned and the Council appointed Assistant Town Manager Marianna Marysheva-Martinez to take over as Town Manager – both actions take effect in seven days.

(l-r) Town Attorney Andy Morris and newly appointed Town Manager Marianna Marysheva-Martinez

(l-r) Town Attorney Andy Morris and newly appointed Town Manager Marianna Marysheva-Martinez

After last night’s closed session of the Town Council, Mayor Matthew Lehman said that the Council had voted to accept Mr. Wilbrecht’s resignation and appointed Martinez. Asked why Wilbrecht resigned, the Mayor said, “I can’t say anything about Dave Wilbrecht.”

Mayor Lehman did answer questions about the actual Council vote on these matters. He said that the vote to accept Wilbrecht’s resignation was 4 to 1 with Mayor Pro Tem Rick Wood voting no. The vote to appoint Martinez was also 4 to 1 but this time it was Councilman John Eastman who voted no.

Why did the Council rapidly appoint Martinez without public discussion or recruitment of other applicants? Lehman said, “We’ve had an opportunity to work with her, and the majority of the Town Council was comfortable with her skill set.” Lehman said past candidates for Town Manager had not impressed him. “She is an outstanding candidate with strengths that outweigh weaknesses,” he said.

To comments that Martinez has a chilling effect on employees, Lehman said, “I don’t find that. She’s very direct and matter of fact. It’s a different leadership style.” Martinez will continue to make the same amount that she has made as Assistant Town Manager. Town Finance Department information said that her base salary is $208,000 and with PERS the amount equals nearly $245,000. She lives in a town-owned condo and receives travel expenses. Martinez’s permanent residence is in the South Pasadena area.

To public complaints that Martinez is not a local resident, the Mayor said that she will work in Mammoth four days per week and one day from home. He said, “She’s been very effective and she works far beyond eight hours. I receive texts and emails from her on town business late at night.”

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