MAMMOTH HOSPITAL ENTRANCEThe chairman of the board of Mammoth Hospital has resigned, and the hospital now seeks applicants to fill the vacancy.

Chairman Jack Copeland, who heads up Human Resources at Mammoth Mountain, said that for the hospital to move ahead with a marketing plan at Mammoth Mountain, he felt he could not be on the board.  “The two organizations,” said Copeland, “doing business together for something other than healthcare places me in a conflict of interest.  I’m sorry to resign,” he said, but I think the marketing agreement is very important for the hospital and future growth.”

Copeland, who also began to head up the Mountain’s Management Development Initiative a year ago, has served for a number of years on the hospital board.  Now, the hospital asks residents of the Southern Mono Healthcare District to consider applying for appointment to the hospital board.

To serve on the board, a member must be a registered voter, over 18 year of age and live within the district boundaries.  The vacant term expires November 30, 2014.  Those interested should contact the district secretary at 760-924-4114 or P.O. Bo 660, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546 to request an application.

All completed applications must be returned to the district office by 5pm on Thursday, November 9th.  Interviews  will be held on Thursday, November 17th at the scheduled hospital board meeting.  The appointment will be made that same day.

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