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Exciting Homecoming festivities and Friday night football is happening at John Schwab field on October 22. Ticket gates will open at 5:00 PM. The pre game show begins promptly at 6:00 PM with performances by Home Street Middle
School Colts in Motion, BUHS Cheer, BUHS Dance and introductions of the Homecoming Court. We will honor our seniors and parents at 6:45 PM. Kick off is at 7:00 PM. We will have an extended half time show with the BUHS Marching Band and Colorguard, presentation of Homecoming Court and announce the King and Queen.

Due to BUHS Field Day, blankets will only be allowed to be placed on the bleachers from 2:30PM-4:00PM. Please do not tape directly to the bleachers.

We hope to see you all there.

Go Broncos!

Stacy Van Nest
Athletic Director
Bishop Union High School

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