How to spend utility tax money on major recreation projects in Mammoth Lakes? Before dreams about multi-million dollar mltc9-22facilities come hardcore plans for how to handle the tax money.

When the Mammoth Town Council met this week, they tackled more of the nitty-gritty of how to fund recreation in Town, how to create big facilities and maintain them. Town Manager Rob Clark said that the Council has asked him to put together a committee to work on the issue of how to fund recreation, including monies from both Measures R and U.

This new Measure U Committee will include a representative from each of the town commissions and a citizen at large. The committee, Clark said, will look at a funding scheme, and make sure projects are covered. This brings in how to use tax money from the two measures, which currently raise more than $1.5 million each year.

Manager Clark said the committee will hire a financial expert to advise the best way to deal with financing recreation projects. Options include borrowing against tax funds, using general funds for maintenance only or saving up tax funds for the future.

An earlier recreation strategy report had identified that the community wants some high-end projects like extensive trails, high altitude training facilities, biathalon facilities and more.

Clark said the Council will talk more about the Measure U Committee and how the tax funds will be managed. He said officials hope to get in gear by the first of the year on these issues.

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