inyo_sups_jan_-10Although District Attorney Art Maillet has not returned calls about the status of his Assistant Mark Johnson, the Inyo Supervisors agenda indicates that the DA is looking for someone to fill that position.

An item on Tuesday’s agenda lists an amended job description for the Assistant District Attorney and discusses filling “the vacancy” in the position. The agenda item says that the vacancy could possibly be filled through an internal recruitment, “however, an open recruitment would be more appropriate to ensure qualified applicants apply for this position.”

The Inyo Supervisors will be asked to approve the hiring of one Assistant District Attorney, according to the agenda, at $8,973 per month.”

Earlier, sources close to the situation had verified that Assistant DA Mark Johnson would retire. This departure from the DA’s office by Johnson followed a controversy in which he released 1,000 pages relating to his boss’s political opponent, Gerard Harvey in days before the election. Many of the documents were confidential in nature. DA Art Maillet has never responded to questions about the document release and if he had played any role in what was perceived as election shenanigans.

In other items before the Inyo Supervisors, the Board will continue a public hearing on a renewable energy ordinance at 11am. Officials have said the purpose of this ordinance is to gain some bit of local control over what are generally state and federally regulated energy projects. Environmentalists locally expressed concern that any energy project development agreement would skip the Planning Commission and go directly to the Board of Supervisors.

Speaking of energy, the Nevada Association of Counties has asked Inyo to participate in an alliance of counties that were entitled to receive geothermal revenues as authorized by the Energy Police Act of 2005.mono_courthouse_10-08

On that note, the Mono Supervisors planned to consider approval of travel by Supervisor Viki Bauer to attend NACO meetings on behalf of Mono County. The cost – $7,300 for the fiscal year.

Other travel on the Mono Supervisors agenda tomorrow – seven employees are poised to attend what’s called the annual MS Govern user conference in Grapevine, Texas. The internet indicates that the conference takes place October 20th and will focus on computer software related to finances, accounting and other government applications. The three-day conference unfolds at Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center in Grapevine, Texas.

The Mono Supervisors may also talk about issues that relate to the California State Budget.

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