redsmeadowaerial.jpgThe Inyo National Forest Prepares for Potential Winter Road Closures

The Inyo National Forest is preparing for the week-end storm in the forecast. The forest may implement winter closures for roads that access the Reds Meadow Valley and Mammoth Lakes Basin areas of the Inyo National Forest.

For the Reds Meadow Valley Road, the forest will close the gates to Reds Meadow Valley at the end of the day on Thursday, October 30th.   If snow falls and accumulates on the road on Friday, the road will remain closed for the winter.  If the storm does not materialize, the road to Reds Meadow Valley will remain open through Sunday, November 2nd and be closed for the winter beginning on Monday, November 3rd. Overnight parking in the Reds Meadow Valley is currently prohibited, per regulation designed to prevent vehicles from becoming stranded after October 15th every year.

In the Mammoth Lakes Basin, the forest will implement winter closures if snow accumulations of more than four inches are on the ground at the Lake Mary gate and is continuing to snow and accumulate.  If the total snow is less than four inches, primary roads into the Mammoth Lakes Basin will remain open and conditions will be monitored in subsequent days and closed if additional snow accumulates or safety concerns arise. All visitors to the Mammoth Lakes Basin are encouraged to travel with vehicles and equipment that are suitable for driving in winter mountain weather.

Information on road closures, current conditions, and winter recreation in the Mammoth Lakes area and on the Inyo National Forest can be obtained at the Mammoth Lakes Welcome Center, open daily 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., by visiting the Inyo National Forest website, or by calling 760-924-5500.


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Deb Schweizer

Public Affairs Specialist

Inyo National Forest

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