Sierra Wave Media

Eastern Sierra News for February 10, 2025





mltc4_16The Mammoth Town Council meets tonight. They will start off their meeting with a closed session at 5:30 with their attorney to discuss anticipated litigation. There is no public information on what this might be.

The regular meeting will start at 6pm. A Council presentation starts off the agenda. The Council will recognize Bipin Morari, Brent Cooley, Emily Cooley and the Best Western Hotel for their support of the Mammoth Lakes Community Emergency Response Team known as CERT.

On the Consent Agenda, the Council will consider approval of a resolution for the Town’s woodstove replacement program and other air quality projects for consideration by Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Control District. Last month, the APCD had notified the Town that it had been allocated nearly $275,000 for air quality activities that reduce air pollution emissions. The funds come from a settlement between the Department of Water and Power and the APCD.

This money would pay for replacement of woodstoves or possibly purchase of a new street sweeper to keep dust down.

A public hearing is scheduled to adopt the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget. According to the back-up material, the budget is balanced. This comes after last month’s report of a General Fund deficit of about $188,000. Town Manager Dan Holler said that the net expenditures in the proposed new budget add up to $35.7 million. A detailed report will go before the Council tonight. Holler added that the new budget is basically a “roll-over budget from last year.” He said there are no significant changes.

Following the budget item, the Council may approve the update to the schedule of fees and charges for Town services, including fees for building, public works, and planning permits and services, public safety processing and services, recreation programs and services and administrative products and services.

Finally, the Council will consider the next steps for the snow management and parking districts.

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