Staff at Caltrans would like to know what you think of various plans for another four lane project on 395 in the Olancha area.

The plan is to build four lanes on an 11 mile stretch from about 4 miles south of Olancha to 4 miles north of Cartago.

The highway currently runs right through the small towns of Olancha and Cartago. Caltrans officials say that the four lanes would improve highway safety, reduce delay, and connect the other stretches of 4 lane highway on 395.

A previous 4 lane project through the town of Independence led to many angry citizens concerned with the loss of trees and loss of business during the months of construction.

There will be an official public comment period that may start this summer, but this time around Caltrans is looking for input before that process starts by circulating a survey for anyone in the region, or state to fill out.

The online survey lays out three proposals and asks people what they think of the plans. With impacts to the town in mind, the first proposal is to put the four lanes right through town with a center turn lane to separate southbound from northbound traffic. This is the least expensive of the options presented.

Option two, is a proposal to move the highway so that it lines up right next to the town with a frontage road to provide access to the town similar to Pearsonville.

The third proposal is to build the four lane, divided highway around the town similar to the distance between the highway and the homes at Crowley Lake.

If all goes according to plan, the Olancha 4 lane project is set to start in 2015.


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