The Mammoth Hospital Board, faced with chronic billing and collection problems, voted in two new discount policies for the public, one of which will also help hospital collections.
At their last meeting, the board approved the Prompt Pay Discount Policy and the Charity Care Policy. The Prompt Pay offers a 10% discount to patients if they pay within the first 40 days of receiving the first bill for services.
In fact, all patients will be offered a Prompt Pay Discount from their actual or estimated co-pay, deductible or other self-pay balance, if paid within 40 days of the mailing of the first bill that sets forth a balance due. The Board started the policy as of August 28th.
We have received word from a hospital employee that employees have received a 25% discount on billed services if paid within 30 days. This employee said this amounts to a cut in benefits for hospital workers. We have placed a call to Administrator Gary Boyd and await his reply.
Based on the number of uninsured patients in Mono and Inyo, Mammoth Hospital has also revised the Charity Care policies to help patients and their families who fall within 350% of federal poverty guidelines. Officials said this is the hospital’s way of offering financial aid to the truly needy in the community. Applications are available when someone receives care.
Questions? Call David Bolton at 914-2690.
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