Recent photo of Indian Fire area with ongoing spectacular cloud formations. Photo by Tom O’Keefe.
Indian Fire Update
August 13, 2012
On Scene Contact: Marc Peebles, Fire Information Officer (909) 553-2876
Fire Status: Active | Percent Contained: 70% |
Location: Southeast of Mono Lake,
North of Highway 120 |
Date Started: August 8, 2012 (2:06pm)
Cause: Lightning |
Size: 13,500 acres |
Resources: Hand crews 18 Engines: 18
Helicopters: 3 Dozers: 5
Fixed Wing: 2 Water tenders: 5
Total personnel assigned to fire: 551
The Indian Fire started on Wednesday, August 8, 2012 at approximately 2:06 pm. The fire is Southeast of Mono Lake and North of Highway 120. Firefighters both on the ground and in the air are aggressively fighting the fire with 551 people committed to that effort. Although cooler weather and light precipitation on parts of the fire helped slow the progress of the fire, fuels remain very dry. Over the next several days, firefighters will continue to build and improve containment lines as well as mop up any hot spots.
As the firefighting effort lessens crews will refocus on the restoration of impacts caused by the fire suppression. Local biologists and botanists from the BLM are working directly with firefighters on rehabilitating the landscape. The public is also an important partner in healing the land by treading lightly in the burn area.
Southern California Interagency Incident Management Team 3 assumed command of the fire effective 6:00 pm on August 10, 2012. The management of the fire is under Unified Command between the Bureau of Land Management and US Forest Service. Incident commander, Mike Wakoski would like to thank the community of Lee Vining and the adjacent areas for their support and hospitality to Team 3 and all firefighters. We appreciate their patience and understanding during this incident.
Incident Priorities:
- To provide for public and firefighter safety.
- Keep amount of sage-grouse habitat burned to a minimum.
- Keep fire north of Highway 120 East
- Limit spread to the east
Weather and Fire Behavior:
Temperature 83F, Winds SW, gusting to 15mph. Minimal fire spread, smoldering in heavy fuels
Road Closures:
Adobe Meadows Road (3N01) from Highway 120 to Highway 167
Agencies Involved:
US Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, Lee Vining Fire Department, California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection (CAL FIRE), California Highway Patrol, Wheeler Crest Volunteer Fire Department
Southern California Interagency Incident Management Team 3
Mike Wakoski, Incident Commander – USFS
August 12, 2012
On Scene Contact: Marc Peebles, Fire Information Officer (909) 553-2876
Fire Status: Active | Percent Contained: 30% |
Location: Southeast of Mono Lake,North of Highway 120 | Date Started: August 8, 2012 (2:06pm)Cause: Lightning |
Size: 13,500 acres |
Resources: Hand crews 18 Engines: 19
Helicopters: 3 Dozers: 8
Fixed Wing: 3 Water tenders: 8
Total personnel assigned to fire: 385
The Indian Fire started on Wednesday, August 8, 2012 at approximately 2:06 pm. The fire is Southeast of Mono Lake and North of Highway 120. Firefighters both on the ground and in the air are aggressively fighting the fire with 571 people committed to that effort. Although cooler weather and light precipitation on parts of the fire helped slow the progress of the fire, fuels remain very dry. Since weather and fuel conditions in this area can change rapidly, incident commanders still consider the fire a potential sleeping giant.
Southern California Interagency Incident Management Team 3 assumed command of the fire effective 6:00 pm on August 10, 2012. The management of the fire is under Unified Command between the Bureau of Land Management and US Forest Service. The Incident Command Post is located at Lee Vining High School campus. Residents and visitors should be alert for fire apparatus traveling in and around the community. Smoke may be visible from Highway 395 but is not impacting surrounding communities.
Incident Priorities:
- To provide for public and firefighter safety.
- Keep amount of sage-grouse habitat burned to a minimum.
- Keep fire north of Highway 120 East
- Limit spread to the east
Weather, Fire Behavior and smoke Conditions:
High temperatures, low humidity, and thunderstorms remain a concern for increased fire activity.
Road Closures:
Adobe Meadows Road (3N01) from Highway 120 to Highway 167
Agencies Involved:
US Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, Lee Vining Fire Department, California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection (CAL FIRE), California Highway Patrol, Wheeler Crest Volunteer Fire Department
Southern California Interagency Incident Management Team 3
Mike Wakoski, Incident Commander – USFS
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